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Open Innovation Platform for Materials Modelling (RIA)


The aim is to establish an open innovation platform for integrated materials modelling and materials processing development for industry that would facilitate setting up experiments, reduce error and enhance efficiency of the development process.

A modelling framework applicable to a certain type of materials and their related processing technologies should be developed. This modelling framework should develop a seamless and standardised integration of third party physics-based models, solvers, post-processors and databases based on existing and emerging standards for semantic interoperability across domains, resulting in an open framework.

The proposals should also:

  • Develop apps that can be integrated readily in Business Decision Support Systems and in the Open Translator Environment to assist rapid and efficient decision making;
  • Develop validation methodologies and benchmarks. In depth success stories including gap-analysis of existing models should drive future concerted research activities and efforts aimed at enhancing existing models;
  • Provide contributions to the development of a standardised ontology covering modelling, characterisation, materials processing and materials manufacturing;
  • Establish a business model for maintenance of the platform based on proposed access schemes at fair conditions and cost across Europe demonstrating the sustainability of the platform beyond the funding period.

The activity should link with the Materials Modelling Market Place to provide the access to all necessary models, tools, expertise and data that are necessary to populate the workflows with and to the HPC platforms to complete the offers to customers. Therefore, proposals should foresee a dedicated work package for cooperation and earmark appropriate resources

Proposals submitted under this topic should include a business case and exploitation strategy, as outlined in the Introduction to the LEIT part of this Work Programme.

Activities should start at TRL 3 for the workflows and achieve TRL 6 for the platform at the end of the project.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 4 and 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

In order to make business decisions, industry requires material model workflows spanning from materials design to materials processing and manufacturing validated in an industrial context, which meet specified technical as well as business requirements (with quantified key performance indicators). An open access materials modelling platform can build and execute such complex workflows chosen by industry based on information provided by e.g. the Open Translator Environment, Business Decision Support Systems and Materials Modelling Market Place[[European Materials Modelling Council:]].

Easily accessible and standardised workflows that are swiftly implemented at the platform would assist in the evaluation of materials and materials processing possibilities.

Proposals must address all the following impact criteria, providing metrics to measure success when appropriate.

  • Deliver predictable and traceable simulation workflows and better integration of materials modelling in the industrial manufacturing process and thus a contribute to a coherent digital single market in the field of materials modelling;
  • Provide rapid deployment of novel materials modelling solutions in particular in manufacturing-targeted domains with improved decision making on the level of materials, processing and sustainable market differentiating products;
  • Increase speed of material/product development time;
  • Quality by design reducing the costs and time to market of novel materials and processes and speeding up the rate of industrial transformation to high-added-value products;
  • Support the Open Innovation Testbeds leading to an integrated materials development environment in Europe;
  • Allow reuse of material modelling knowledge and expertise in different industrial sectors and enable cross – industry fertilisation.