ERA-NET Cofund for FET Flagships
One follow-up action to the FLAG-ERA II ERA-NET Cofund action ( aiming to coordinate and pool the necessary financial resources from the participating national and regional research programmes to fund PPs of the two Flagships by implementing a joint transnational call for proposals resulting in grants to third parties, possibly followed by further joint calls without EU co-funding. The action may also organise additional joint activities between the participating funding agencies in support of the two Flagships.
To fund partnering projects (PPs) and coordinate the national activities and support of Member States and Associated Countries (MS/AC) to the Graphene and HBP Flagships. PPs are projects funded from other sources (e.g. by national/regional funding) which address areas relevant for the Flagships and contribute to their objectives.[[See SWD(2014) 283 final of 16.9.2014]]
Closer coordination and greater mobilisation and pooling of resources between regional, national and EU research programmes for realising the research goals of the FET Flagships.