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Joint programming: Co-ordination action for the joint programming initiative (JPI) 'more years better lives the challenges and opportunities of demographic change'


Specific challenge: Following the implementation of the actions foreseen by the Commission’s Communication on Joint Programming to tackle Europe’s major societal challenges, the Competitiveness Council has welcomed the progress made by EU Member States in Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) launched so far. Several Council Conclusions on Joint Programming[1] invite the Commission to support JPIs via Coordination and Support Actions.

The JPI ""More Years, Better Lives - the Challenges and Opportunities of Demographic Change"" enhances coordination and collaboration between national research programmes related to demographic change. It enables Member States to pursue common visions and a strategic research agenda on demographic change.

Proposals should provide coordination and support for the implementation of the joint programming pursued by national governments. 


Scope: Proposals should ensure the coordination of exchange on national programmes on demographic change as well as facilitate the effective governance of the JPI. Proposals should also monitor national research activities in the area and provide support for the implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda of the JPI MYBL[2] in particular through;

  • Coordination and organisation of potential joint calls;
  • Alignment of national research programmes and activities to the JPI’s Strategic Research Agenda;
  • Integration and enhanced accessibility of national data related to active and healthy ageing, demographics, and statistics, to support evidence-based policy making and effective cross-policy actions; common usage of databases and infrastructures where appropriate;
  • Investigate novel forms of implementation of SRA.

Proposals should provide for dissemination and awareness actions, liaison with relevant EU level initiatives, collaboration with international initiatives and third countries as well as supporting the development and dissemination of policy guidelines based on the JPI’s outcomes.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.           

Expected impact:

  • Effective governance and support to the implementation of the JPI MYBL
  • A stronger international dimension of the JPI
  • Better coordination of research programmes in demographic change and dissemination of policy guidelines based on the JPI’s outcome
  • Alignment of national research programmes and activities with the JPI’s Strategic Research Agenda and coordination with Horizon 2020 objectives
  • Avoiding unnecessary duplication of research and infrastructure investment at national level
  • Fostering a transnational, multi-disciplinary approach to demographic change and using of the potential of societal change in Europe
  • Facilitating implementation measures based on the Strategic Research Agenda of the JPI


Type of action: Coordination and support actions

[1] Council Conclusions of 12 October 2010, of 26 November 2010 and of 8 December 2011

[2] Methods of collaboration shall follow the “Voluntary guidelines on framework conditions” adopted by the High Level Group on Joint Programming (GPC) on 11 November 2012.