Policy and international cooperation measures for research infrastructures
Proposals will address one of the following sub-topics:
(a) Research and Innovation actions for the 2018 deadline
The objective of this sub-topic is to support the development and installation of a dedicated beam-line in SESAME. The proposal should help strengthening the links to the European network of analytical facilities with particular reference to new synchrotrons currently under development. The consortium will work with the SESAME Scientific Advisory Committee to define the scope of the beam-line more appropriate for the scientific community of reference. It should involve European partner laboratories having similar energy and technical specifications in the design and development of the beam-line components and the related instrumentation. The action will cover the installation of the beam-line and its initial commissioning. The action should also address how SESAME will secure the necessary human and financial resources for the operation of the beam-line.
High-quality, accessible research infrastructures are at the heart of the knowledge triangle of research, education and innovation. They enable tens of thousands of researchers in academia and industry to develop innovative ideas, products and services that foster European competitiveness and help tackle societal challenges facing our continent. However, ensuring the availability of state-of-the-art facilities requires multi-billion Euro long-term investments across the European Research Area. In the context of implementing the ERA Roadmap, the focus of this action is to set the conditions for effective investment and optimise the use of research infrastructures of European interest.
In line with the strategy for EU international cooperation in research and innovation (COM(2012)497), international cooperation for research infrastructures is needed with a number of key partners located in third countries/regions seen as strategic both for the development, exploitation and management of world-class res
(a) Research and Innovation actions for 2018 deadline
- Consolidating research activity in SESAME, increasing the amount of research time available for the users' community.
- Strengthening SESAME's profile in the region, helping it to become more sustainable by enhancing its capacity for attracting the necessary resources for further deployment of extra beam-lines.
- Provide a tangible example of the European Commission's support of the SESAME initiative as a catalyser for international collaboration in the region.
(b) Coordination and Support actions for 2018 deadline
(b1) ERIC network
- strengthen the structured cooperation between ERICs;
- facilitate the preparation of ERICs to be established;
- strengthen the capacity of ERICs of developing where appropriate harmonised internal regulations and pol