Aircraft Design Optimisation providing optimum performance towards limiting aviation’s contribution towards Global Warming
Mitigating aviation’s contribution to climate change through its various emissions (including but not limited to CO2) will require new and increasingly more disruptive technologies. A reduced global warming impact could be achieved by relaxing the design constraints typically set, such as (but not limited to) aircraft design payload/range, cruise speed and cruise altitude. This topic asks for a multi-disciplinary optimization based on various cost functions such as operating cost, CO2, NOx, soot/particulate matter, as well as the likelihood of contrail induced cirrus formation as a function of the aircraft/engine design parameters (payload, range, cruise Mach number and altitude, etc.). An estimation of the mitigation potential by deviating from current typical operational parameters and current aircraft is expected. For a given design, an estimate of the sensitivity to operating parameters such as speed and altitude should be given. Selected projects should allow the coverage of two key air transport ma