Support to sectorial fora
Proposals will have to support sector-specific stakeholder fora along the following lines:
- Support the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the context of the SET-Plan European Technology Innovation Platforms (especially towards the progress of the strategic R&I Implementation Plans identified in the different technological areas in the context of the SET-Plan Key Actions), in particular in the area of
- PV;
- Ocean energy;
- Wind energy;
- Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy;
- Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC); and
- Zero emission fossil fuel power plants and energy intensive industry.
- All relevant stakeholders of the hydropower sector will be brought together in a forum including workshops and online discussion groups in order to identify research and innovation needs and priorities, to share knowledge at the European level between basic science, the research and industrial value chain, civil society and European and national authorities, to support the discussion with up-to-date information. The forum will produce a synthesis of expected research developments and research needs for the coming decades in a technology roadmap and research and innovation agenda in the hydropower sector, targeting an energy system with high flexibility and renewable share.
- Building on the platform for energy-related SSH research that was set up during the pilot phase, the dialogue among different SSH stakeholders - as well as with other energy-research communities, fostering interdisciplinarity as well as knowledge and information sharing – should be continued and enhanced. This includes promoting the generation of novel, evidence-based research designed to inform and influence relevant policy processes, particularly in the context of the Energy Union and the transition to a low-carbon energy system. The platform will be sought after by European policymakers as a source of specific expertise and advice on how best to integrate SSH aspects in energy-related policymaking.
- Taking into account that private investment is the most important contributor to the Energy Union’s Research and Innovation priorities, this action will support the coordination of the industrial participation in the SET Plan. It will in particular focus on the execution of the implementation plans of the SET Plan nine non-nuclear priority actions to reach the strategic targets agreed by the SET Plan Steering Group to enhance European competitiveness in clean energy innovation. In order to reach this goal, the action will promote collaboration and the development of cross thematic synergies among actors who are interested in bringing new clean energy innovations to the market, in particular from the European industry-driven associations and initiatives such as the European Technology and Innovation platforms (ETIPs), European Joint Technology Initiatives or other relevant public-private partnerships, and importantly the industrial actors identified in the 13 non–nuclear SET plan implementation plans. A key task of this action will be to help further define adequate financial strategies to mobilise investments from different sources to fulfil the implementation plans. In line with the SET Plan principles, financial resources will come mainly from industry and national public funds. The use of complementary European funds will be promoted whenever relevant (e.g. from ESIF and the risk sharing facility InnovFin EDP recently significantly enlarged in terms of funding and scope to channel undisbursed funds from NER300 and to prepare the future Innovation Fund). The focus of the action will be European, establishing links with the corresponding sectorial fora in Europe and with other international initiatives in the clean energy domain, such as Mission Innovation.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 1 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
The transition to a low-carbon energy system poses a unique set of policy, technological and scientific challenges, changes the fundamental nature of the interrelations between all actors in our societies (from energy incumbents to regulators and citizens), and requires the engagement of all stakeholders. Not only is there a need to find novel approaches to the development and application of technological or social processes as they relate to the energy transition, but also to a better understanding of how these changes impact people’s behaviour, pervasive values, cultures of practice and modes of communication. It also entails the need to engage all stakeholders, foster cooperation between them, align their actions to the achievement of commonly agreed goals.
Coordinated stakeholders' activities in the different sectors, providing specific and extensive advice to EU policymakers on energy-related research policy-making, continuing to foster social innovation and social dialogue in the energy field at European level, contributing towards the progress of the strategic research and innovation Implementation Plans identified in the context of the SET-Plan.