Solutions for increased regional cross-border cooperation in the transmission grid
Proposals will demonstrate integrated hardware and software solutions for cross border flows in the transmission grid in a regional context.
Proposals are required to integrate at least four of the following points:
- Improvements of the tools for communication and grid operations, in particular for intraday and real-time markets involving several TSOs in the context of regional cooperation; tools to analyse and simulate risks of the system at regional level;
- Better prediction of production from variable renewables and demand response forecast at regional level;
- Definition and testing of new cross border grid services called by an increasing share of renewables (flexibility, balancing, decrease of system inertia, congestion, etc.);
- Mechanisms to ensure a well-functioning wholesale market, efficient techniques for coupling real time markets;
- Enhance cross border flow and trading, enhanced exploitation of assets such as large bulk storage systems, hydropower plants, large scale batteries installations, etc;
- Demonstration in a regional context. Priority should be given to regions where this cross-border cooperation between TSOs is being less effective. The demonstration should be supported by the experience of more advanced regions (intra-EU and inter-EU); when dealing with EU-border countries, special attention should be paid to reduce external energy dependence through more efficient cooperation;
- Develop guidelines to avoid distortion resulting from the non-harmonisation of regulations between countries.
Proposals should include a task on the analysis of obstacles to innovation under the current context but also under the future market design context and foresee the coordination on policy relevant issues and obstacle to innovation (e.g. regulatory framework, business models, data management, consumer engagement) with similar EU-funded projects through the BRIDGE initiative[[]]. An indicative budget share of at least 2% is recommended for the research work associated with these issues and an additional 2% for the coordination effort are recommended.
Proposals should build upon the insights and results of projects that have already been selected in this field under H2020 (information can be found on the BRIDGE web site[[]]) and demonstrate their innovative character.
Proposals should comply with the requirements stated in the section 'Common requirements' of the introduction to the part on the Smart citizen-centred energy system.
TRL will range typically between 5 and 8 (see part G of the General Annexes). Proposers will indicate the estimates levels of TRL at the beginning and at the end of the project.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 8 to 10 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Today wholesale prices may vary significantly across the different market zones in Europe showing that the wholesale market is not operating under optimal conditions while some interconnectors are underutilised. More cooperation between TSOs and between TSOs and energy producers who are providing cross-border services, in particular at regional level (i.e. involving a group of countries), is an element that is promoted in the future market design to contribute to improving this situation.
The supported projects are expected to contribute to enhance regional cooperation:
- in the operation of transmission grids so as to bring additional flexibility in the context of an increasing share of variable renewables;
- in optimising infrastructure investments and making best used of large scale assets that are bringing flexibility;
- in an improved functioning of the wholesale market across borders;
- in the development of future common approaches to grid services.
Proposals are invited to identify and substantiate to which of the above impacts they contribute and include ad-hoc indicators to measure the progress against specific objectives of their choice that could be used to assess the progress during the project life.