Next generation transport infrastructure: resource efficient, smarter and safer
Specific challenge: In order to increase the performance of infrastructure to accommodate increasing transport demand, the 21st century transport infrastructure needs to be more resource efficient, smarter and safer. This requires a range of innovative solutions, including for intelligent traffic management, low-carbon construction and energy-harvesting. In order to implement effective infrastructure management in all transport modes, advanced methods for data collection (including automatic sensing) and analysis have to be developed. In addition, a better integration of infrastructure in its natural habitat with a reduced intrusion of noise, air pollution and vibration should be achieved. Another challenge consists in developing solutions for infrastructure to actively contribute to enhancing the safety level of the European roads.
Scope: Proposals should address one or several of the following domains:
Infrastructure specific solutions for enhanced cross-modal inter-connectivity and active traffic management, leveraging European GNSS enabled real-time location data, capable of providing optimal responses to changes in conditions of the network (e.g. weather, works, incidents) by all actors in the value chain (infrastructure operators, owners and users).
Innovative concepts and methods for alternative fuels infrastructure (in particular for roads and ports) to facilitate its deployment in Europe.
Energy harvesting infrastructure.
Infrastructure-based pro-active safety systems, including advanced predictive models and simulations.
Methods for preventing disruption of critical infrastructure from malicious acts.
Proposals can either focus on technological progress and further advancement in knowledge (Research and Innovation Actions) or on reinforcing networking among operators with a view to enhance the effectiveness of the sector (Coordination and Support Actions).
In line with the Union's strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation[1] international cooperation is encouraged.
Effective integration of SMEs in the value chain is strongly recommended.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 3 to 5 million each for Research and Innovation Actions, and EUR 0.5 to 1.0 million each for Coordination and Support Actions, would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected impact: The work is expected to contribute to:
Improvement of infrastructure capacity and incident management by means of added-value mobility services across different modes.
Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure in Europe according to the Clean Power for Transport Package objectives.
Reduction of infrastructure operation energy intensity and subsequent CO2, pollutants and noise emissions.
Type of action: 1) Research and Innovation Actions; 2) Coordination and Support Actions
[1] COM(2012)497