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Regional initiative aiming at nuclear research and training capacity building


Specific challenge: Maintaining competence in fission safety remains of interest for a number of Member States especially in the Baltic and Eastern European region. Discussions have started at these various regional levels with the aim to develop jointly sustainable applications of fission for e.g. new and safer research reactor technology, radioactive waste management and training and education in these fields.

Scope: The aim is to support the exchange of scientific staff and the sharing of equipment, knowledge and competences between private and/or public research laboratories within the region and with similar organisations in other EU Member States. This action should take advantage of and develop synergies with on-going and future Euratom projects in particular those offering access to research infrastructures in conjunction with education and training. A strong involvement of appropriate public bodies from the Member States concerned is essential, as well as links with relevant platforms such as SNETP and IGD-TP. This action should also aim at examining how Structural Funds could possibly be mobilised to further develop regional cooperation in the area.

Expected impact: The capacity building at regional level for nuclear research and training through cooperation and networking will reduce regional disparity in the European Union. Such effort will reinforce the EU excellence in fission relevant applications and in particular in nuclear safety and radioactive waste management.

Type of action:Coordination and Support Actions.

Additional information: In line with the nature of the action, the Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the Euratom of between EUR 1 and 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.