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Facilitating knowledge management, networking and coordination in NMP


Specific challenge: The Horizon 2020 programme for the key enabling technologies of nanotechnology, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing and processing needs to function as a catalyst within the larger European Research Area. To be effective, the programme needs to be supported by a knowledge management system capturing the key performance indicators in industrial policy. EU Member States and Associated Countries should be aware how their research systems for enabling and industrial technologies relate with each other and with Horizon 2020, and support is needed for this coordination.

Another aspect of the networking and coordination involves the ERA-NETs in the field of NMP.  ERA-NETs have been set-up in FP6 and FP7 on a wide range of scientific subjects and disciplines relevant to the NMP Programme. While focusing on different scientific areas, they all work towards achieving a common goal of the transnational networking and coordination of national research programmes and addres