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End-to-end Earth observation systems and associated services


The areas of R&I, which need to be addressed to tackle the above-expected outcomes are:

1) R&I for Earth observation based on a network of small satellites with innovative capabilities, e.g. high revisit times, high reconfigurability, enhanced autonomy, high spatial resolution, including for video, seizing the full innovation potential of low cost and/or disruptive and sustainable approaches.

2) R&I on Satellite Data Management and Processing including image processing for end-to-end performance improvement (also with regards to power consumption, e.g. using AI, simplification of data management, data fusion, advanced processing units, mass memory) and on infrastructures and networks for ground processing and virtual network functions (e.g. inter-operability, massive data management, cloud processing, cybersecurity).

3) R&I to identify, develop and implement AI in industrial processes means fostering digitalisation (e.g. virtual design, digital twins, virtual testing, simulators) for Earth observation including software validation and verification in order to enhance overall end-to-end system performance, increase efficiency and reduce development and AIT time and costs in order to attain Rapid Development, Production and Assembly Integration and Testing (AIT) processes and operations support in satellite life cycle.

A proposal should address only one of the three areas outlined above, which must be clearly identified. A proposal may operate in different topics/domains/sectors e.g. in the development of pilot and testing applications.

Proposals are expected to promote cooperation between different actors (industry, SMEs and research institutions) and consider opportunities to quickly turn technological innovation into commercial use in space.

Proposals under this topic should explore synergies and be complementary to already funded actions in the context of technology development at component level. In particular, it is expected that projects make use of existing European technologies and/or building blocks at component level contributing to European non-dependence and strengthen competitiveness. Furthermore, proposed activities should be complementary to national activities and activities funded by the European Space Agency (ESA).

In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement.