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CORDIS - EU research results

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Aviation research synergies between Horizon Europe, AZEA and National programs


The overall scope of this coordination and support action is to provide support and advice to the European Commission on anticipated and small ad-hoc actions within 2023-2025 period.

The action should contribute to the coordination and support of synergies between European, National and Regional R&I aviation programmes, including joint calls or other co-funding mechanisms aligning EU, National and Regional activities in specific fields. The action is also expected to assist the European Research Area (ERA) in accelerating the update and sharing of aviation technology infrastructures. Close collaboration with ACARE is expected.

The action should contribute to the organisation and preparation of the European Aerodays 2024-2025 as well as other ad-hoc communication activities.

Finally, the action should contribute to the communication of the impact of EU aviation research and relevant policies (Fit for 55, Industrial Strategy, Alliances, Space Policy) and provide support the Alliance on Zero Emission Aviation (AZEA) work with ad-hoc mapping and analysis, including identification of potential technology gaps and lack of related R&I and standardisation efforts.