Improving understanding of and engagement in bio-based systems with training and skills development
Improved and informed governance including social innovation contributes to reducing resource consumption and results in an increased innovation capacity of all actors, and reducing the risk of leaving anyone behind. This should take into account the need to promote social engagement, supporting the permanent learning and re-training, in the area of bio-based economy.
This needs to take into account local specificities, such as the sustainable biological resources available (both traditional materials such as wood, cork or straw), but also innovations such as sustainable bio-textiles, bio-composites, 3-D printed biomaterials, recycled agro-food residues etc. This also helps to advance innovation and awareness including on social level, looking on the role of design, arts and culture, as technological capacities. The improved understanding of the social attitudes in diverse European regions forms an important part of this action.
This action should support the imp