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Industrial Research & Validation for Connected and Automated ATM


To achieve the expected outcomes, all or some of the following should be addressed.

  • Next generation ATC platforms for en-route and TMA operations. This element will involve the development of integrated ATC platforms leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to deliver level 4 automation functionalities for en-route and approach operations. The R&I results will enable the full implementation of the target architecture as set out in the European ATM Master Plan (virtualisation, TBO, etc.) as well as concepts such as platform as a service to facilitate the complete decoupling of service provision (infrastructure services, information services and all other ANSs) from the physical location of the infrastructure, as outlined in the target architecture specified in the European ATM Master Plan (R&I needs: advanced separation management; intelligent queue management; integration of safety nets; role of the human; speech recognition for increased safety and reduced