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Developing and piloting training on the practice of open and responsible research and innovation


In order to ensure the excellence of EU research and innovation, the research workforce needs to strengthen skills related to integrity, avoidance of various forms of bias, including gender bias, non-discrimination and inclusion, FAIR data management, data robustness and reproducibility, dissemination and exploitation of results, and interdisciplinary research. It requires skills to communicate science and research results, in the media (including social media) and to policy makers, and skills to participate in public debates. It also requires skills to engage the public to develop research and innovation agenda, the ability to work in multi-actor collaborations covering all parts of the quadruple helix[[A model of cooperation between industry, academia, civil society and public authorities, with a strong emphasis on citizens and their needs.]] where interests and motivation for engaging in research may be diverse, and actively involve citizens in research activities such as citizen science to expand the scope and the potentials of science itself. These skills are needed at all stages of researchers’ careers, from undergraduate onwards (including as part of doctoral training).

This action consists of three parts, all of which must be addressed:

The first part consists of consolidating existing evidence[[In addition to relevant national-level initiatives, or even initiatives outside the EU, this includes Horizon 2020 projects supported through topics SEAC-2-2014 and topic SwafS-08-2019-2020 under Science with and for Society; the Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Networks supported through the MSCA-ITN topics as well as the COFUND projects for doctoral programmes under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, and the Erasmus+ European University Alliances and Horizon 2020 top-up pilot.]] on researcher training on open and responsible research and innovation, at all stages of their careers, from undergraduate onwards (including as part of doctoral training), and identifying gaps in existing practices in the European Research Area. This will include mutual learning activities within and outside the European Research Area to ensure established and emergent good practices are considered. Existing initiatives, such as the European Charter and Code[[]] and the EU Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training[[]], should be taken into account.

The second part consists of developing training modules, courses or other kinds of interventions on open and responsible research and innovation that will be piloted to a significant number of students and researchers in different kinds of research organisations and higher education organisations across Europe, and at all stages of their studies and careers. The learning outcomes will be evaluated, with a view to refining the training ready for more widespread deployment (e.g. at national, institutional levels, or in MSCA actions). Attention should be paid to the gender dimension of the training/learning outcomes, and to ensure that the training is adapted and piloted to researchers of all backgrounds (age, ethnicity, geography, gender, etc.).

The third part consists of establishing a platform, sustainable beyond the lifetime of project funding, to continue knowledge exchange, develop guidance, and further develop training on open and responsible research and innovation. Part of the work must include the wide dissemination of policy recommendations aimed at relevant research institutions and levels of governance.

Working closely with relevant on-going actions, quadruple helix stakeholders, and science outreach stakeholders, is advised. The action is also expected to build on and valorise results from projects already funded under the “Science with and for Society” part of Horizon 2020.