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Specific support to the work of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform


Specific challenge: The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) has been recognised as a European Technology Platform (ETP) by the European Commission in the context of the upcoming ""Strategy for European Technology Platforms: ETP 2020"". SNETP rests on three main pillars: (i) the NUGENIA association addressing the safety of existing light-water reactors; (ii) ESNII (European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative) dealing with the safety of fast reactors with associated strategies of spent nuclear fuel management and waste minimization, and (iii) nuclear safety of plants not restricted to electricity production. The major challenge of SNETP is to continue to integrate the R&I in nuclear safety at European Level in the global context taking due account of the various stakeholders' concerns

Scope: The Euratom funding will be devoted to specific studies, data collection and analysis activities and workshops for the further development of technology roadmaps, implementation plans and deployment strategies as well as to the dissemination of the platform activities to the various stakeholders. Due attention is to be paid in this regard to the recent SET Plan initiatives for integrating the different energy roadmaps (nuclear and non-nuclear). Activities should aim at fostering collaboration between ETPs to address cross-sectorial challenges between fission, fusion and non-nuclear energy sources as put forward at SET Plan level, notably on materials and education and training. Euratom will not cover secretariat and other running costs of the platform as it should be self-financed for these needs.

Expected impact: This action will help SNETP to further structure – content-wise - its activities. It will also help better situating the development of nuclear energy in the broader context of the relevant Horizon 2020 societal challenges, and hence help disseminating the platform's activities to the policy-makers and stakeholders.

Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions.


Additional information: In line with the nature of the action, the Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the Euratom of between EUR 0,4 and 0,6 million would allow this specific support action to be undertaken appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.