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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-06-18

COoperative Satellite navigation for MEteo-marine MOdelling and Services


COSMEMOS objective is to assess the scientific benefits of implementing cooperative meteo-marine data collection schemas, coupled with innovative on board sensor architectures based on current and future GNSS receivers and ad-hoc data processing / fusion techniques.
A cooperative schema is defined as a schema where the end users participate to the service provision by means of offering to the service provider data which are necessary for the service provision itself.
Collected data from standard and innovative sensors shall be aimed at:
1. improving meteo-marine modelling and forecasting capabilities towards precise high resolution simulations and forecasts;
2. experimenting highly innovative meteo-maritime navigation support products / applications / services, targeted to maritime leisure and commercial customers market, thanks to the improved models and the new cooperatively collected data (i.e. high precision weather forecasting and weather routing).
The attainment of the above objectives will be verified with a demonstration campaign that foresees:
• The deployment of developed applications and network elements, including any telecommunication means and ad-hoc GNSS sensors.
• The integration and test of the system.
• The pre-operational services provision demonstration, with data collected from the cooperative fleet transmitted to an operational centre in charge to process data and disseminate products to the involved scientific communities.
COSMEMOS is fully compliant with the addressed topic. Specifically, it fulfils the objectives of the following area “New approaches for weather forecasting e.g. new ways of using GNSS signals to measure atmospheric conditions”.
COSMEMOS presents several different areas of innovation, e.g.:
• Innovative use of GNSS signals for marine applications;
• Improvement of meteo models and local meteo forecast capabilities;
• Innovative data collection schemas and service models.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 232 952,00
6890 Transinne

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Région wallonne Prov. Luxembourg (BE) Arr. Neufchâteau
Activity type
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Administrative Contact
Enrico Barro (Mr.)
Total cost
No data

Participants (6)