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Secure and Resilient Cloud Architecture

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Final Secure Block Device

Final release of the secure block device with available extensions.

First version of the private communication middleware components

Initial implementation and report of the vulnerability-tolerant channel mechanism, the protection services, the route monitoring mechanism, and the multi-path communication mechanism.

Final version of the private communication middleware

Final implementation and report of the work package including the final architecture, middleware design, APIs and protocols, after the experience gained with the integration with the use cases and experimental evaluation.

Initial release of the SafeCloud platform

This deliverable consists of the software developed in T4.2, T4.3 and T4.4 so far. It provides a release of SafeCloud API targeted towards a single cloud provider and without support for elasticity requirements. It offers a restricted set of novel multi-party computation protocols for use by the Sharemind applications. It features the integration of Secure Key Value Store and Sharemind, and the ability to access the former through a SafeCloud library by applications deployed on Sharemind.

Secret-sharing and order-preserving encryption based private computation

Report describing the means of integrating secret-sharing based and order-preserving encryption-based secure multiparty computation methods in privacy-preserving applications.

Short-Term Secure Block Device

Software package for the improved secure block device. Anti-tampering and data integrity can be provided quickly after the data has been stored.

Secure SQL Engine

Software package of the final release of the Secure SQL Engine component. This version will support elastic environments and will offer a richer set of processing operations.

Secure Key Value Store

Software package of the final release of the Secure Key Value Store component with elastic capabilities.

Prototype, Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform

First prototype of the Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform with support for short-term and long-term data integrity. The storage extensions and performance optimizations are not yet available.

Secure file system

Implementation of the secure file system.

Final deployment, Maxdata SafeCloud-based healthcare platform

Final implementation and deployment of the MAXDATA SafeCloud-based healthcare platform use case with support for all the privacy and performance optimization features.

Final deployment, Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform

Final implementation and deployment of the Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform use case with support for all the privacy and performance optimization features.

Prototype, Maxdata SafeCloud-based healthcare platform

First prototype of the Maxdata SafeCloud-based healthcare platform with non-elastic Secure Key Value Store and restricted SQL engine. Elasticity and advanced processing operations are not yet available.

Non-elastic restricted Secure SQL Engine

Software package of an initial release of the Secure SQL Engine component. This version will not support elastic settings and will offer a restricted set of basic processing operations.

Privacy-preserving storage and computation techniques

Report describing the data partitioning and secure multi-party computation techniques, algorithms, combination challenges and tradeoffs.

Non-elastic Secure Key Value Store

Software package of an initial release of the Secure Key Value Store component with the privacy-preserving functionality but still without elasticity.

Final release of the SafeCloud platform

This is the final software release of the SafeCloud platform, offering full support for different cloud providers, and for privacy, integrity, efficiency and elasticity requirements and tradeoffs. It includes the data partitioning schemes and secure multiparty computation protocols developed in T3.2 and T3.3, fully supporting the requirements of the secure SQL engine.

Elastic privacy-preserving storage and computation

Report describing the refined and extended design and architecture of the privacy-preserving storage and computation components. This includes the dynamic system aspects considered in Task 3.3 and the description of their inclusion in the the Secure Key Value Store and Secure SQL Engine components.

Privacy-preserving storage and computation architecture

Report describing the design and architecture of the privacy-preserving storage and computation components.

SafeCloud architecture

Report of the functional specifications of each component and service of the SafeCloud architecture.

Legal recommendations

Initial report summarizing the storage legal aspects of SafeCloud. This includes a list of constraints and features that must be added and implemented in SafeCloud, for instance clear temporal and technical guidelines on how to manage the legitimate destruction of archived data.

Proceedings of the second SafeCloud Workshop

Proceedings of the second project's Workshop.

Ethical Guidelines for Market Data Collection

This document will provide detailed information about the recruitment of participants, the nature of the data collected, the informed consent procedures that will be implemented (with examples of Informed Consent Forms and Information Sheets), the procedures that will be implemented for data collection, storage, protection, retention and destruction, and their compliance with national and EU legislations, in the scope of the project’s market data collection efforts.

Design and requirements, Maxdata SafeCloud-based healthcare platform

This deliverable describes the design and requirements of the MAXDATA SafeCloud-based healthcare platform use case and how it will be integrated into SafeCloud.

Long-Term Secure Block Device

Description and implementation of the long-term secure block device. Long term means that strong antitampering and data integrity can be provided once the data has been stored for a long period of time in the system.

Proceedings of the first SafeCloud Workshop

Proceedings of the first project's Workshop.

Private communication middleware architecture

Presents a preliminary design of the secure communication middleware, including requirements and architecture.

Storage architecture

Initial report describing the chosen storage architecture, the secure block device, and its link to the secure file system.

Design and requirements, Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform

This deliverable describes the design and requirements of the Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform use case and how it will be integrated into SafeCloud.

Release of dissemination instruments

Includes initial press releases, media kit, branding, success stories, press material.

SafeCloud website

The SafeCloud website will be launched and regularly updated.


PlayCloud: a Plaform to Experiment with Coding Techniques for Storage in the Cloud

Author(s): Dorian Burihabwa
Published in: Proceedings of the Phd Forum of SRDS 2016 (35th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems), 2016
Publisher: IEEE

Have a Seat on the ErasureBench: Easy Evaluation of Erasure Coding Libraries for Distributed Storage Systems

Author(s): Sebastien Vaucher, Hugues Mercier & Valerio Schiavoni
Published in: Proceedings of W-PSDS16, the 4th Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems (with SRDS 2016 (35th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems), 2016
Publisher: IEEE

A Performance Evaluation of Erasure Coding Libraries for Cloud-Based Data Stores

Author(s): Dorian Burihabwa, Pascal Felber, Hugues Mercier & Valerio Schiavoni
Published in: Proceedings of DAIS 2016 (16th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems), 2016
Publisher: IFIP

sKnock: Scalable Port-Knocking for Masses

Author(s): Daniel Sel, Sree Harsha Totakura & Georg Carle
Published in: WMCSP 2016 Workshop, 2016
Publisher: IEEE

SafeRegions: Performance evaluation of multi-party protocols on HBase

Author(s): Rogério Pontes, Francisco Maia, João Paulo, Ricardo Vilaça
Published in: Workshop on Mobility and Cloud Security & Privacy (WMCSP 2016), 2016
Publisher: IEEE

On the Cost of Safe Storage for Public Clouds: an Experimental Evaluation

Author(s): Dorian Burihabwa, Rogério Pontes, Pascal Felber, Francisco Maia, Hugues Mercier, Rui Oliveira, João Paulo & Valerio Schiavoni
Published in: Proceedings of SRDS 2016 (35th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems), 2016
Publisher: IEEE

P-Cop: A Cloud Administration Proxy to Enforce Bipartite Maintenance of PaaS Services

Author(s): Bruno Braga & Nuno Santos
Published in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2016
Publisher: IEEE

Reliability-Bandwidth Tradeoffs for Distributed Storage Allocations

Author(s): Siddhartha Brahma & Hugues Mercier
Published in: Proceedings of ISIT 2016 ( IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory), 2016
Publisher: IEEE

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