First annual meeting meeting and advisory board report
Stakeholder Engagement plan - an overview of tools and activitiesReport on Stakeholder Dissemination Requirements
Report on societal impact and consistency with EU policies accompanying the Interim Report
Kick off meeting report
Reference scenarios according to the project challenges
Report describing the design and implementation of the reference scenarios, the updating process and the results. This document will be used as input for WP4, whereby the RMS results and changes will be carefully analysed in order to derive proposals for strategies to create more coherent European approaches on DRR, CCA and resilience strengthening. This aims to bridge the gap between science and regulations and to tackle the challenge of regulating the preparation of trans-boundary crises.
Synthesis report of legal, policy and science approaches nationally, across the EU and globallyThe report will seek to consolidate and enhance synergies of funded research and innovation activities in natural hazards/disasters risk reduction
ESPREssO Dissemination and communication strategyResults of the analysis of National level reports concerning the three challenges
The reports consider existing knowledge for climate change adaptation vs disaster risk reduction; science vs. legal and policy issues in disaster risk reduction; and national regulations for the preparation of trans boundary disaster risk reduction. Reports will be prepared by the respective partners for Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, UK and Denmark. The final coordinated report will be compiled by HUD.
Conclusion drawn from the analysis of indicators of Task 4.4 at the preparatory phase of the projectSearching for OpenAIRE data...
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