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This deliverable will be the first result of T8.1. It will present a report on a first analysis of ESR clients to pinpoint the most promising ones. It will also specify what are the requirements to interact with clients, making first propositions for aspects such as contract, comfort guarantees, data privacy, security, stability, monitoring, communication with the client, etc.
Report on the System Prototype Implemented in the Field - Use Case 2This report will present the implementation of the system prototype in real test case in the ESR area. To reduce the risk of problems with real client, the first tests will be certainly implemented on site of ESR or HES-SO, or in household of both companies’ collaborators. This report will present a technical analysis of the prototype (reliability, performances, etc.) as well as wider aspects such as installation routines and problems, interaction with local inhabitant, information provided to the client, etc.
Business and Marketing Plan - Year 3This deliverable contains the final update of the Business and Marketing Plan.
Business Model Design and KPI Definition - Use Case 1Identification of the business model suitable for the set of prosumers within the University campus and separately for the 20 spread prosumers managed by the DSO, focusing on the effective integration of RES and storage for improved self-consumption through DSM. KPIs along with associated risks will be identified in order to benchmark the business model both qualitatively and quantitatively. At least two relevant and measurable KPIs will be identified (Deliverable of Task 7.2.).
Report on Demonstration Results Evaluation - Use Case 2This report will present the results of the pilot phase. It will encompass an analysis of the deployment and the maintenance of the infrastructure (installation complexity, problems observed, field maintenance, etc.). Another aspect will be the interaction with the client (contract, information, communication, problems, etc.). A third aspect will be an analysis of the technical performance of the GOFLEX solution. The fourth aspect will be an analysis of the business models tested during the pilot phase. Finally, this deliverable also reports on the CBA analysis with concrete evidence on the results achieved.
Report on Requirement and Prosumer Analysis - Use Case 3The results of “WP9 - Requirement Analysis” (M6) will be summarized in document D_9_1. Document D_9_1 describes the existing infrastructure of SWW’s grid including ICT systems available and specifies the technical requirements and interfaces necessary to install the pilot systems and deliverables developed by the partners in WP2-WP5. It also contains an acceptance plan and test specifications for all components to be installed in SWW’s territory. One section of D_9_1 provides technical details, profile, terms and conditions of every prosumer involved in the project. There is no critical risks to fail, nevertheless the number of prosumers proposed (>50 households, >2 companies, >5 EV owner) may not be achieved.
Report on Demonstration Results Evaluation - Use Case 1The technical and economic functionality of the deployed microgrid will be assessed and demonstrated based on the effective integration of RES and storage for improved self-consumption and minimizing energy costs by utilizing DSM techniques. Evaluation reports will include the financial dimension embedded in the planned business cases. Achieving aggregation, DSM, market design efficient functioning and effective infrastructure operation will be a clear indicator for success (Deliverable for Tasks 7.4 and 7.5). Finally, this deliverable also reports on the CBA analysis with concrete evidence on the results achieved (Task 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.6).
Report on Requirement and Prosumer Analysis - Use Case 1A detailed definition of prosumers both within the University campus and the spread prosumers within the DSO controlled area with identified objectives and communication means. A complete and accurate analysis on the prosumers’ features and requirements will be considered a success (Deliverable of Task 7.1.).
Cloud-based Service Platform Requirement & Interface SpecificationD5.1 identifies the functionalities, data requirements and interfaces of the cloud-based service platform. The supported data sources, data types, communication types, query types and analytical functionalities are specified, based on requirements from other system components (WP2, WP3, WP4) and from the use cases (WP7, WP8, WP9). Furthermore, necessary interfaces for data ingestion and data querying are detailed. Associated Task: T5.1 Interaction: T2.1,T3.1, T4.1, T6.1, T7.1, T8.1, T9.1
Automatic Trading Platform Requirement & Interface SpecificationD2.1 is a document that specifies functional and non-functional requirements of the decentralized integrated automatic DR trading platform to be developed in WP2. It includes the specifications of component interplay and interfaces applicable to the different generations (prototype, full, final) of the DR trading platform. The specification is made in accordance to state-of-the-art, related projects, and the objectives and the demonstration cases of this project. It also addresses and includes a potential crossbreeding input from concurrent project networking.
Report on the System Prototype Implemented in the Field - Use Case 1The detailed utility-integrated campus microgrid will be adapted and deployed covering all referred activities within the university campus. Moreover, the spread prosumers of the DSO will be aggregated and modelled with their active participation. A clear acceptance of at least 80% of targeted prosumers within the campus and 80% within the DSO controlled area, fully equipped and committed on the project’s objectives, will be considered a success (Deliverable of Task 7.3.).
Business Model Design and KPI Definition - Use Case 2This deliverable will present the business models that are envisioned to be implemented with ESR clients. It will also define the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to evaluate the business models of the pilot phase.
Distribution Observability System Requirement & Interface SpecificationD4.1 is a document that identifies the functionalities, data requirements and interfaces of the distribution observability and Management system (DOMS). The supported aggregation levels, grid assets and system variables of the distribution network are specified, based on requirements from other system components(WP2,WP3,WP5) and from the selected use cases. The data required to support the identified functionalities are also detailed, going from GIS and grid connectivity data to SCADA or smart meter readings and flexibility, demand response data. The necessary interfaces for ingesting data from the cloud service platform (WP5) and for exposing DOMS functionalities to the demand response requesting party (WP2,WP3) are specified. Initial performance analysis agaist specified metrics and KPIS are also reported. Associated Task: T4.1 Interaction: T2.1,T3.1,T5.1
Report on Demonstration Results Evaluation - Use Case 3Document D9.4 provides a summary of the overall experience SWW as a DSO has collected throughout the whole project. SWW will interview customers and their experience, will evaluate the financial impact by comparing KPIs (see D9.2) with necessary capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure OPEX for any future roll-out of GOFLEX results, and by evaluation of technical problems from SWW’s service center. Finally, this deliverable reports on the CBA analysis with concrete evidence on the results achieved.
Best Practice Results on Business and Pricing Models, Implementation Guidelines and Recommendations for Regulators and Policy MakersThis deliverable will summarise the results of the trial sites regarding communication strategies to stakeholders, regarding pricing models and provides a SWAT analysis regarding the implementation results. The purpose is to create a guideline how the GOFLEX solution can be successfully implemented based on the experiences in the trial sites and the results of the collaboration with other partners and projects. Recommendations for regulators and policymakers will be developed about how the integration of DMS solutions can be supported in general (Task T10.2 and Task T10.3).
Business and Marketing Plan - Year 1The purpose of this deliverable is to summarize and structure all communication and marketing activities according to development stage of the project (as mentioned in 2.1.1. 2.2.4 Communication and Dissemination). The Business and Marketing Plan is a living document and will integrate the lessons learned of the communication activities (measured against the communication KPIs mentioned in 2.2.4). It will also take into account all changes and improvements of the GOFLEX solution and adapt the marketing strategy accordingly. It will be updated annually (Task T10.4).
Report on the System Prototype Implemented in the Field - Use Case 3Document D_9_3 provides the results of prototype installations. Basis for D_9_3 is the requirement and test specification developed during “WP 9 – Requirement Analysis” and documented in D_9_1. Problems might arise if equipment / deliverable is not ready for “Move-in” (MVIN) or does not pass “Site-Acceptance-Test” (SAT). Reasons to fail SAT might stem from security or safety issues or the risk of losing prosumer support due to non-performance issues.
Business Model Design and KPI Definition - Use Case 3From other projects already installed – e.g. SmartEco Combined Heat and Power (CHP) – SWW has a strong need to install a suitable business model for on-demand trading and load-variable tariffs. It is very likely that such business model and related KPI’s are not only described in document D_9_2 but have been already installed at M12.
Report on Project NetworkingThis deliverable will describe actions that have been taken to explore synergies with similar EU-funded projects. It will detail information exchange, network meetings or joint activities.
Best Practice Implementations Opportunities of the GOFLEX solution outside the Project and beyond the Project’s TimeThis deliverable is based on the work of all previous deliverables. it will provide a business and marketing plan for the GOFLEX solution after the project has finished. It will describe the major lessons learnt from trial implementations and partner collaboration, taking into account the market, policy and regulation situation in the EU to find the most promising environment for the further deployment. It will provide a roadmap for the development of the solution and will name the subsequent pilot and customer projects using GOFLEX (All tasks).
Integrated System Requirement & Interface SpecificationD6.1 contains the set of requirements and evaluation criteria for the integrated system stemming from the project objectives as nested in the three demonstration use cases. The requirements structure into data flow and handling principles and requirements for interfaces and technical specifications with subsystems in WP2 to WP5. Associated Task: T6.1 Interaction: T2.1, T3.1, T4.1, T5.1
DR Ready Prosumer Requirement & Interface SpecificationD3.1 identifies operational needs of constituent DR ready prosumer subsystems, their interactions and the characteristics of the data sources in the deployment of overall system. It identifies and outlines key functionalities of the DR Ready EMS system and its interactions with other subsystems (WP2) and cloud based common service platform (WP5), mapping the required features, capabilities and other characteristics of all the building blocks; designates EV user classes and specific operational requirements; component interplay and interfaces applicable to the different phases in development (prototype, full, final) of the DR Ready prosumer as integrated (WP6) for demonstration in different demonstration cases. Associated Task: T3.1 Interaction: T2.1, T5.1, T6.1
Business and Marketing Plan - Year 2This deliverable updates the Business and Marketing Plan of month 6.
Demand Side Management, Opportunities and Restrictions in the European MarketThis deliverable is a study based on desktop research. The purpose is to get a clear picture about the supporting and hampering factors for the deployment of the GOFLEX DSM solution in Europe. It will focus on the market design, the regulation and the policies of several EU countries, indicating the countries with the best conditions for a roll-out of the solution. It will also explore successful business models and successful customer involvement strategies from other projects and companies which are already in place (Task T10.1).
Lars Kegel, Martin Hahmann, Wolfgang Lehner
Published in:
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management - SSDBM '17, 2017, Page(s) 1-12, ISBN 9781-450352826
ACM Press
Lars Kegel, Martin Hahmann, Wolfgang Lehner
Published in:
Proceedings of the 29th Workshop on Foundations of Databases - GvDB'17, Issue 1858, 2017, Page(s) 54-59
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Gillian Basso, Dominique Gabioud, Pierre Roduit
Published in:
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, 2018, Page(s) 70-77, ISBN 978-989-758-292-9
SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
Bijay Neupane, Laurynas Šikšnys, Torben Bach Pedersen
Published in:
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Future Energy Systems - e-Energy '17, 2017, Page(s) 143-156, ISBN 9781-450350365
ACM Press
Bijay Neupane, Torben Bach Pedersen, Bo Thiesson
Published in:
ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), 2018
ACM Press
Muhammad Aftab, Sid Chi-Kin Chau, Majid Khonji
Published in:
ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), 2018
ACM Press
Emmanouil Valsomatzis, Torben Bach Pedersen, Alberto Abello.
Published in:
ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), 2018
ACM Press
Davide Frazzetto, Bijay Neupane, Torben Bach Pedersen, and Thomas Dyhre Nielsen
Published in:
ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), 2018
ACM Press
Laurynas Siksnys, Torben Bach Pedersen
Published in:
2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2017, Page(s) 1367-1368, ISBN 978-1-5090-6543-1
Fusco, Francesco; Tirupathi, Seshu; Gormally, Robert
Published in:
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE PES International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe, Issue 1, 2017
Lars Kegel, Martin Hahmann, Wolfgang Lehner
Published in:
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management - SSDBM '18, 2018, Page(s) 1-12, ISBN 9781-450365055
ACM Press
Bei Chen, Bradley Eck, Francesco Fusco, Robert Gormally, Mark Purcell, Mathieu Sinn, Seshu Tirupathi
Published in:
2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2018, Page(s) 1487-1492, ISBN 978-1-5386-9288-2
Bradley Eck, Francesco Fusco, Robert Gormally, Mark Purcell, Seshu Tirupathi
Published in:
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems - e-Energy '19, 2019, Page(s) 381-382, ISBN 9781-450366717
ACM Press
Laurynas Šikšnys, Torben Bach Pedersen, Muhammad Aftab, Bijay Neupane
Published in:
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems - e-Energy '19, 2019, Page(s) 170-180, ISBN 9781-450366717
ACM Press
Torben Bach Pedersen, Laurynas Siksnys, Bijay Neupane
Published in:
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), 2018, Page(s) 1-7, ISBN 978-1-5386-7954-8
Nguyen Ho, Torben Bach Pedersen, Van Long Ho, Mai Vu
Published in:
Rikke Hagensby Jensen, Michael Kvist Svangren, Mikael B. Skov, Jesper Kjeldskov
Published in:
Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction, 2019, Page(s) 42-52, ISBN 9781-450376969
Muhammad Aftab, Sid Chi-Kin Chau, Majid Khonji
Published in:
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems, 2018, Page(s) 261-265, ISBN 9781-450357678
Francesco Fusco
Published in:
Data Analytics for Renewable Energy Integration. Technologies, Systems and Society - 6th ECML PKDD Workshop, DARE 2018, Dublin, Ireland, September 10, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Issue 11325, 2018, Page(s) 49-62, ISBN 978-3-030-04302-5
Springer International Publishing
Pierre Roduit
Published in:, Issue 6, 2018, ISSN 1660-6728
Claudio Hartmann, Lars Kegel, Wolfgang Lehner
Published in:
it - Information Technology, Issue 0/0, 2020, ISSN 2196-7032
De Gruyter
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