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D2.2 is a technical report describing how the closed loop connection was set up.
Completed specification templates for eight use cases and AV-ready alternative designsD1.3 gathers all the relevant “supply side” specifications about the road infrastructure of the use case that will be used for the assessment in WP3 and WP4. ‘AV-ready: Use Case Specification Templates’ (MS5) are used as a basis for the deliverable.
Guide for the simulation of AVs with microscopic modelling toolDetailed guidance for users of the AV-ready microscopic simulation tool (Vissim) and generic guidance for other microscopic simulation tools.
Guidelines: How to become an AV-ready road authority?The four ‘AV-ready Action Plans’ will be summarised in ‘Guidelines: How to become an AV-ready road authority?” (D4.7) that will provide guidance and best practice examples to road authorities in Europe and beyond on how to become AV-ready.
CoEXist Exploitation and Innovation PlanCoEXist partners will develop an Exploitation Plan (D5.5) that describes the actions to follow for the sustainability and exploitation project results. It will identify exploitable results and also describe dissemination channels implemented during the course of the project to support the exploitation of results
Report on four 'AV-Ready Fora'Each road authority will organise an ‘AV-ready forum’ that will present the results from the use case assessment to local and national stakeholder groups. D4.4 presents the results from all the Fora.
Data Management PlanData Management Plan (D6.1) describe what data the project will generate, and how it will be produced and analysed. It also aims to detail how the data related to the CoEXist project will be disseminated and afterwards shared and preserved.
Completed specification templates for four local scenarios and generic low/medium/high scenariosD1.4 describes “demand side” variables which include the traditional traffic composition (traffic flow and modal composition), AV-specific variables such as penetration rates of AVs, SAE automation levels, levels of connectivity and other AV-specific variables that will be specified in the project for the analysis of the use cases in WP3 and WP4. ‘AV-ready: Scenario Specification Templates’ (MS6) are used as a basis for the deliverable.
AV-ready framework (extended version)D1.2 is an extended version of the AV-ready framework that includes an update from the CoEXist results (input from all other WPs) and a general update regarding the CoEXist relevant technological and regulatory developments in AVs (based on results from other ART projects and other sources).
Technical report on data collection and validation processTechnical report, specifying means of data about collection and explaining the validation process.
Training material from CoEXist trainingFurthermore, CoEXist will organise a training session (MS34) during the final conference on how to make proper use of the tools that have been developed to enhance take-up of the CoEXist results. The training material will be made available on the CoEXist website.
Completed experimental setup templates for eight use cases and AV-ready alternative designD31 will present completed experimental setup templates for eight use cases and AVready alternative designs
AV-ready hybrid road infrastructure design recommendationsThe recommendations will be developed as part of both a project internal workshop as well as the Design Recommendation Workshop (MS21), which will be attended by experts from the FEHRL members (i.e. Road research institutions) and others. The recommendations will be published in a glossy edition.
Technical report on the application of AV-ready hybrid road infrastructure assessment toolD4.3 explains how the AV-ready hybrid road infrastructure assessment tool was applied to eight use cases. The systematic analysis provideds an answer on whether a use case is AV-ready or not.
Default behavioural parameter sets for AVsA set of generic realistic behavioural parameter sets for AVs.
Report on integrated CAV demonstrationReport on the demonstration of an advanced use case of cooperative automated driving at the ITS European Congress 2019 in Eindhoven/Helmond.
Guide for the simulation of AVs with macroscopic modelling tool (PTV Visum extension) available for CoEXist partner citiesThis guide provides detailed guidance for users of the AV-ready macroscopic simulation tool (Visum) and generic guidance that can be applied by other microscopic simulation tools.
Guide for the simulation of AVs with microscopic modelling tool - Final VersionDetailed guidance for users of the AV-ready microscopic simulation tool (Vissim) and generic guidance for other microscopic simulation tools.
AV-Ready Action Plan for each road authorityA concrete ‘AV-ready Action Plan’ (D4.6) will be set up for each road authority that gives detailed guidance on steps the road authorities have to take to conduct AV-ready transport and infrastructure planning.
Definitions of performance metrics and qualitative indicatorsDetailed definitions of performance metrics (e.g. safety, traffic performance and infrastructure space efficiency) and qualitative indicators.
Communication and Dissemination strategyAt the beginning of the project, a dedicated CoEXist Communication and Dissemination strategy (D5.1) will be developed, which will guide the project’s communication and dissemination activities throughout the project and beyond. This strategy will also include a specific chapter on international cooperation (see also task 1.3) and linked communication and dissemination activities.
Technical report on the application of AV-ready modelling tools (incl. Input & output data)A series of experiments will be simulated where the amount of AVs is increased step-by-step according to the scenarios developed in T1.2 and T3.1. The data resulting from these experiments will be the input data for the ‘AV-ready hybrid road infrastructure assessment tool’ in T4.3.
Report on cooperation with other H2020 projects (especially ART projects) and on stakeholder engagement processThe CoEXist project seeks to liaise with thematically related RDI projects (especially in the Horizon 2020 thematic area of Automated Road Transport - ART), as well as with different types of stakeholders. All activities will be summarised in a report (D5.4) at the end of the project. Minutes of workshops with OEMs and other key stakeholders such as public authorities, road research institutes etc will be included in this report.
Report on CoEXist's international cooperationD1.5 summarises CoEXist’s international cooperation activities.
AV-ready framework (1st Version)D1.1 provides the backbone of the entire project by providing the conceptual framework for AV-readiness. The core of this deliverable is to develop a working definition of AV-ready and to operationalise it in the AV-ready framework through a multi-stakeholder consultation process.
Built-in functionality for the AV-ready macroscopic modelling tool available for CoEXist partner cities (incl. example and documentation)Report on the developed built-in functionalities to enable users of the macroscopic transportation planning software to take into account AV-ready road infrastructure and AVs as separate user class in static assignments; and to allow the impact assessment of AVs in the simulation-based dynamic assignment.
D4.1 ensures that the base models (either microscopic, macroscopic or both) in the four road authorities are ready to assess the use cases specified in T1.2 and the alternative designs from T3.1. This includes the implementation of the baseline scenario for each use case and the verification, error checking, calibration and validation of the models. In some cases, this will require additional network coding or collection of baseline traffic data for the use cases.
Tested and calibrated control logic, AV-simulator and traffic simulator closed-loop connection (Software)D2.1 is a real-time closed loop connection (software) between the AV control logics (provided by Renault and Vedecom), PreScan and Vissim.
AV-ready microscopic simulation tool (PTV Vissim extension) available for CoEXist partner citiesAV-ready microscopic simulation software (Vissim extension) that is based on realistic assumptions from near to market-ready AVs.
AV-ready microscopic simulation tool (PTV Vissim extension) available for CoEXist partner cities - Final VersionAV-ready microscopic simulation software (Vissim extension) that is based on realistic assumptions from near to market-ready AVs.
AV-ready hybrid road infrastructure assessment toolThe aim of the tool is to use the outputs from the application of the (WP2) AV-ready modelling tools and to conduct an assessment that provides an answer to whether the road infrastructure is AV-ready or not.
AV-ready macroscopic modelling toolAV-ready macroscopic simulation software (Visum extension) that is based on realistic assumptions from near to market-ready AVs.
D4.5 illustrates findings from CoEXist to a non-technical audience.
Recordings of all webinars available on YouTube and mobility-academy.euCoEXist will organise three webinars targeted at technical planners from authorities and transport planning consultancies. The webinars will serve as ‘taster trainings’, raising awareness for the project’s tools. Recordings will be made available in YouTube and
Bernard Gyergyay; Syrus Gomari; Johan Olstam; Fredrik Johansson; Markus Friedrich; Jörg Sonnleitner; Siegfried Rupprecht; Wolfgang Backhaus
Published in:
7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 (TRA 2018) (TRA2018), Vienna, 16-19 April 2018, Issue April 16, 2018, 2018
Johan Olstama, Fredrik Johanssona, Chengxi Liua, Iman Pereiraa
Published in:
Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland, Issue April 27, 2020 / Yearly, 2020
Markus Friedrich, Jörg Sonnleitner, Emely Richter
Published in:
Transportation Research Procedia, Issue 41, 2019, Page(s) 360-375, ISSN 2352-1465
Johan Olstam, Fredrik Johansson, Adriano Alessandrini, Peter Sukennik, Jochen Lohmiller, Markus Friedrich
Published in:
Journal of Advanced Transportation, Issue 2020, 2020, Page(s) 1-17, ISSN 0197-6729
Institute for Transportation, Inc.
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