CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Overviwe of existing LCC calculation tools
presentation at the fair BAU 2019 and ISH2019Nine news articles/newsletters about the results of the project – three each year
Guideline II: NZEB Technologies: Report on cost reduction potentials for technical NZEB solution sets
Benchmarks for cost saving potentials for technologies, renewables and robust solution sets with respect to different context, typology and different country specific overall processes will be raised. This report will include both technical performance and costs and possible cost saving potentials.
Optimized NZEB- process mapMeasurement and verification protocoll
Measurement and verification protocoll for CRAVEzero pinboard
Guideline III: NZEB BusinessmodelsGuideline III: NZEB Businessmodels for CRAVEzero Webpage
Report describing NZEB business modelsdescribing potentials for new business models, database and recommendations and final layout for CRAVEzero business models
Optimized NZEB- solution setsDevelopment of a solution matrix for cost savings in NZEB solutions sets with respect to different context, typology. (construction concepts, building technical systems including renewables,…).
Four newsletters in all project languagesReport on the EU-implementation of NZEB
it includes the main definitions, the approach by the EU-countries for the evaluation and the framework adopted for CRAVEzero NZEBs analysis
Preparatory technical documents for the prototypesPreparatory technical documents for the prototypes for Pinboard implementation
2nd Progress Report2nd Progress Report of CRAVEzero
Guideline I: NZEB Processes: Report on cost reduction potentials for the whole planning, construction and operation processReport on cost reduction potentials for the whole planning, construction and operation process
KPIs for performance-based characterisation of NZEBlist of key performance indicators with assessment procedures and related benchmarks
Quality and Risk PlanThis deliverable is summary of main definitions and agreements for project management. It includes a report analysis for risk management and intended management procedures, disclosure of QA procedures and assessment, and guidelines to ensure that the Ethical and Regulatory aspects are followed along the Project.
Typology canvas of business modelsenergy service business models per country, in context and comparatively, and several country independent business models, Country specific recommendation on how to upscale or mainstream selected business models, overview of patterns, drivers and pitfalls (M26)
Results of optimised NZEB parametric modelsit present the cost-optimal solutions according to the boundaries for the construction of a new low LCC NZEB
Project Management and Activity ReportIncludes a detailed justification of the costs incurred and of the resources deployed by each contractor linking them to activities implemented and justifying their necessity, the financial statements from each contractor and a summary financial report consolidating the costs of the contractors. It contains a description of the activities carried out during the reporting period, an overview of the progress in relation to the project objectives, the progress towards the milestones and deliverables set for the period, and any problems encountered and corrective actions taken. It also includes a publishable executive summary and an updated Plan for using and disseminating the knowledge.
Energy flexible building managing modelsReport on models enabling facility manager, owner, user to exploiting demand/response logics for a higher load matching and a better grid interaction. Such models will be coupled with technology concepts and possible future cost savings due to better load matching and a better grid interaction factors will be pointed out.
Report on NZEB life cycle costsit is based on the parametric models and it includes an evaluation of the costs related to the different geo-cluster contexts
Business model for prototypical implementationdriven by lowering of LCCs, and co-benefits (real estate value and user-centred building configuration, functions and management).
Database of all fund services and business modelsOpen access database of all fund services and business models
Spreadsheet with LCCs - A database for benchmarking actual NZEB life cycle costs of the case studiesDatabase including the actual NZEB life cycle costs of the 13 case studies
Parametric models for buildings and building clusters: building features and boundariesit reports the data used for the building simulation and the approach for parametrization
Result-Oriented Concluding ReportsThis deliverable is a summary of the advances of the project. It details the technical coherence and the implementation progress with respect to the planned progress.
Framework for co-benefit analysisFramework for co-benefit analysis (M20): methodology for the assessment of the co-benefits and impact on real estate value
1st Progress Report1st Progress Report of CRAVEzero
CRAVEzero pinboard
All the project results will be included in the “CRAVEzero pinboard” – an interactive web-based structured framework supporting in developing low LCC NZEB business models. It will represent a support for developers and designers, supporting and driving them thanks to the project outcomes, as well as for other stakeholders with information on the manufacturers, and the whole supply chain, which must fulfil a set of requirements in terms of costs & quality insurance.
Four Online tutorials (Webinar) CRAVEzero pinboardFour Online tutorials (Webinar) CRAVEzero pinboard
Four regional symposiumsFormats for other dissemination activities
Formats for other dissemination activities (social media)
National strategies for the broad construction of NZEB implementing the CRAVEzero approachFeed other national and European NZEB project platforms
Newsletter format
Projekt newsletter format
Köhler, Benjamin; Quast, Anneke; Andaloro, Annalisa; Dinkel, Arnulf
Published in:
ISEC 2018 proceedings, Issue 01, 2018
Berggren, Björn; Wall, Maria; Weiss, Tobias; Pernetti, Roberta
Published in:
ISEC 2018 Proceedings, Issue 01, 2018
Tobias Weiss, Christoph Moser, David Venus, Björn Berggren, Ase Togerro
Published in:
Sustainable Buildings, Issue 4, 2019, Page(s) 5, ISSN 2492-6035
EDP Sciences
R Pernetti, F Garzia, G Paoletti, T Weiss
Published in:
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Issue 323, 2019, Page(s) 012004, ISSN 1755-1315
IOP Publishing
T Weiß, R Pernetti, F Garzia, B Köhler, M Stobbe, K Meier, B Berggren
Published in:
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Issue 323, 2019, Page(s) 012002, ISSN 1755-1315
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
D Venus, T Weiss, C Moser, T Hatt, M Ploß, T Roßkopf
Published in:
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Issue 323, 2019, Page(s) 012005, ISSN 1755-1315
IOP Science
Eduardo Vázquez-López, Federico Garzia, Roberta Pernetti, Jaime Solís-Guzmán, Madelyn Marrero
Published in:
Sustainability, Issue 12/15, 2020, Page(s) 6255, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
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