Potential impact from a global perspective effects of numbers of people with dementia and their corresponding costs in different regions of the world M60 KI
Impact on health care system as a wholeImpact on health care system as a whole effects on need of services for people with dementiainstitutional resources home services etc M60 KI
Complete infrastructure to host the flexible and generic mHealth platformComplete infrastructure to host the flexible and generic mHealth platform, adaptable to different cultural and healthcare settings
Report on potential for integration of mHealth platform in local health care structuresReport on potential for integration of mHealth platform in local health care structures in UK, China and beyond (UoS, CMU)
Report on determinants of adherenceReport on specific gender aspects of the trial
Report on specific gender aspects of the trial adherence efficacy AMC UCAM CMU
Framework for reporting of deliverables installedFramework for reporting of deliverables installed. This framework describes the procedure by which PRODEMOS handles the reporting of deliverables. It identifies the party/parties responsible for the deliverable; the party/parties responsible for reviewing the deliverable and the timelines required to submit the deliverable on time.
Report on status of posting resultsReport on status of posting results AMC UCAM CMU
Report on key barriers and facilitators for mHealth application useReport on key barriers and facilitators for mHealth application use (UoS, CMU).
Report on the progress of the implementation trialReport on the progress of the implementation trial (AMC, UCAM, CMU) on M36 to be repeated M48 & M60) (Distribution and characteristics of participants in both settings, participation rate, and overall use)
Project website reportreport of the website coontent
Midterm recruitment reportMidterm recruitment report AMC UoS UCAM CMU
Ethical committeereport on the installed members of theEthical committee and a short description of their responsibilities, role and tasks and how this will be implemented in the project by scheduled meetings.
Cost-effectiveness of mHealth interventionCosteffectiveness of mHealth intervention M60 KI
Reports on the website and dissemination itemsReports on the website and dissemination items (UCAM; Month 12)
Determine intermediate outcome to reflect dementia risk for use in the implementation trial in WP5Determine intermediate outcome to reflect dementia risk for use in the implementation trial in WP5, based on work in Task 2.4
First study subject approval packages for UK and ChinaFirst study subject approval packages for UK and China (AMC, UoS, UCAM, CMU)
Report on meeting with focus groupsReport on meeting with focus groups scheduled M24 and repeated M36 & M60
Systematic review and meta-analysis on mHealth for dementia preventionReport on consultation meetings with other stakeholders
Report on consultation meetings with other stakeholders (UoS, CMU).
Esmé Eggink; Melanie Hafdi; Marieke P. Hoevenaar-Blom; Manshu Song; Manshu Song; Sandrine Andrieu; Linda E Barnes; Cindy Birck; Rachael L Brooks; Nicola Coley; Elizabeth Ford; Jean Georges; Abraham van der Groep; Willem A. van Gool; Ron Handels; Ron Handels; Haifeng Hou; Haifeng Hou; Dong Li; Hongmei Liu; Jihui Lyu; Harm W.J. van Marwijk; Mark van der Meijden; Yixuan Niu; Shanu Sadhwani; Wenzhi W
Published in:
VOLUME=11;ISSUE=6;ISSN=2044-6055;TITLE=BMJ open, Issue 03178471, 2021, ISSN 0317-8471
BMJ open
Eggink E, Hafdi M, Hoevenaar-Blom MP, et al.
Published in:
BMJ open, Issue 03178471, 2022, ISSN 0317-8471
BMJ open
Zhang WJ, Li DN, Lian TH, et al.
Published in:
Front Aging Neurosci, Issue 03178471, 2022, ISSN 0317-8471
Front Aging Neurosci
Zheng, Y., Guo, Z., Zhang, Y. et al.
Published in:
EPMA Journal, Issue 03178471, 2022, Page(s) 285-298, ISSN 0317-8471
EPMA Journal
Nicola Coley, Marieke P. Hoevenaar‐Blom, Jan‐Willem Dalen, Eric P. Moll van Charante, Miia Kivipelto, Hilkka Soininen, Sandrine Andrieu, Edo Richard
Published in:
Alzheimer's & Dementia, Issue 16/12, 2020, Page(s) 1674-1685, ISSN 1552-5260
Elsevier BV
Hafdi M, Eggink E, Hoevenaar-Blom MP, Witvliet MP, Andrieu S, Barnes L, Brayne C, Brooks R, Coley N, Georges J, van der Groep A, van Marwijk H, van der Meijden M, Song L, Song M, Wang Y, Wang W, Wang W, Wimo A, Ye X, van Charante EPM and Richard E
Published in:
Front. Neurol., Issue 03178471, 2021, ISSN 0317-8471
Front. Neurol.
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