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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Optimising quality of information in RAw MAterials data collection across Europe

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Navigating environmental & social knowledge

This deliverable demonstrates the utilization of Dynamic Decision Graph in relation with environmental and social knowledge.

Producing flows & Sankey diagrams

This deliverable demonstrates how on the fly Sankey diagrams representing material and product stocks and flows can be generated.

Serving aggregated data

This deliverable demonstrates how aggregated data can be served in e-Minerals Yearbook, by using selected primary resources as example.

Serving environmental & social spatial data

This deliverable demonstrates how spatial environmental and social data can be visualised by using some selected data sets as example.

Final report on the analysis of data collection methods and implementation of prioritised recommendations for improving SRM datasets

Report on recommendations and strategies to improve data availability and harmonisation of secondary raw materials data.

Organisation of clustering activities

Based on the input of D5.1 and D5.2, this deliverable will provide a planning of the clustering activities (a number of virtual meetings, two clustering events, and attendance to several EU project meetings and events). The document will also outline the exchange of information between projects/initiatives, and design a potential framework for cooperation that would ensure interaction among relevant players after the end of the ORAMA project.

Draft report on the analysis of data collection methods and recommendations for the improvement of SRM statistical datasets

Report on collection methods, providers, gaps and barriers for secondary raw materials data.

Recommendations for wider implementation & policy briefs

The report contains recommendations how better informed decision-making for raw materials policy at EU and Member State level can be achieved based on the ORAMA outputs.

Report on feedback and other outcome of training sessions

This deliverable summarises the training sessions and gives recommendations for the future in this respect.

Datasets relating to social and environmental dimensions of primary mineral extraction

A report describing the available datasets relating to the social and environmental dimensions of primary mineral extraction, including good practice examples of data collection or presentation, and recommendations for future work in this area (Task 1.5).

Good Practice Guidelines and training materials related to primary mineral statistics (Final)

Final versions of the Good Practice Guidelines incorporating the feedback received in response to D1.4. Final set of training material incorporating the feedback from the WP4 workshop and presented in such a way that they can remain available for use after the project ends.

Analysis of the mapping of EU funded projects, initiatives and identification of synergies

This deliverable will analyse the mapping performed in Task 5.1 with the aim of selecting those EU funded projects and initiatives that best fit for the ORAMA clustering activities planned in Task 5.3. The document will also provide a list of desired synergies and outline data flows between projects.

Improvements to primary raw materials statistical datasets (final)

The final report from Tasks 1.1 and 1.2 which will incorporate the feedback received in response to D1.1, present the finalised case studies that highlight good practice and describe a consolidated set of recommendations for future improvements.

Technical Guidelines

This deliverable describes the technical guidelines so that both new and already operating data providers (PRM and SRM) will be able to serve high-quality data into interoperable services.

Final conference

The project results will be presented in the final conference. It is a public event where also the the most important stakeholders and the members of the Advisory Board will be invited.

Training Materials

The technical guidelines are refined into training material to be used in workshop and webinars with the aim that the data providers will be able to serve high-quality data into interoperable services.

Final report of Mapping of relevant EU funded projects and initiatives, analysis and organisation of clustering activities

This document will include an update of the mapping of projects and the analysis provided in D5.1 and D5.2. At the same time, it will describe the clustering events carried out during the project and summarise the goals achieved.

Information roadmap for potential investors

Investors will be informed and demonstrated how the recommendations will improve quality assurance and accessibility of primary and secondary raw materials data in the EU.

Good Practice Guidelines and training materials related to primary mineral statistics (Draft)

Draft versions of the Good Practice Guidelines developed from material produced by Tasks 1.1 to 1.4. Draft training material developed specifically for use in the workshop described under WP4.

INSPIRE compliance of improved datasets

Data models will be modified in order to get the improved PRM and SRM datasets INSPIRE compatible as described under Task 3.1.

Improvements to primary raw materials statistical datasets (draft)

A draft report describing the initial results from: (a) the analysis of statistical data collection methods for primary raw materials (Task 1.1); and (b) the analysis of recommendations for the improvement of statistical datasets (Task 1.2).

Mapping of relevant EU funded projects and initiatives

This deliverable will identify and map EU funded projects and other initiatives relevant to the ORAMA topic, and partners that can bring-in synergies, including efficient use of resources. For every project identified, information such as project partners, topics and outcomes of the project, duration, events and timeline of work will be compiled for further analysis in Task 5.2.

Draft Good Practice guidelines for the collection of SRM data, improvement potential, definition and execution of case studies

Report on guidelines, training materials and recommendations on the collection of secondary raw materials data.

Data Management Plan

DMP should include information on: - the handling of research data during and after the end of the project - what data will be collected, processed and/or generated - which methodology and standards will be applied - whether data will be shared/made open access and - how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project) A first version of the DMP must be provided as an early deliverable within six months of the project and should be updated during the project as appropriate. The Commission provides guidance documents, including a template for DMPs.

Project Website

A public website will, in addition to general information about the project and links to data platforms implementing the recommendations of the project, also act as one of the channels for distributing the results of the project. It will include ORAMA’s event calendar which will cover Project Coordination Meetings, Clustering Events, Stakeholder Workshops, Training Sessions, and Forums where decision-making for raw materials policy at EU and Member States level are taking place.

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