CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Publicconsortium prototyping platform for public data
Final release of structure processing scriptFinal release of structure processing script, one version for each run (M7, 19, 29)
Prototype of based test-train fold splitting algorithm (year 3)Prototype of based testtrain fold splitting algorithm ready for integration in WP4 ML software One for prototype for 2nd and 3rd federated run each
Prototype of based test-train fold splitting algorithmPrototype of based test-train fold splitting algorithm ready for integration in WP4 ML software. One for prototype for 2nd and 3rd federated run each (M18, 29)
Final release of structure processing script (year 3)Final release of structure processing script one version for each run
Locality-sensitive hashing based test-train fold splitting code deployed at the pharma partnersFinal release of structure processing script (year 2)
Final release of structure processing script, one version for each run
Publications of key scientific findings from the Project and collation of all publications and other communication modalities M2436
Comprehensive technical documentation (year 3)Comprehensive technical documentation updated version each year
Documentation material of the version 3Documentation material of the version 3 v3 of the platform and platform prerelease for audit by WP5
Data preparation manual (year 3)Data preparation manual one version for each run
Report on aggregate performance metrics for top hits and information gain (year 3)Report on aggregate performance metrics for top hits and information gain
Documentation material including articles and use case description (draft)Documentation material including articles and use case description draft and final version M30 36
Risk and Data Management Plan (year 3)Risk and Data Management Plan; updates
Documentation material of the version 1Documentation material of the version 1 (v1) of the platform, and platform pre-release for audit by WP5
Report on federated learning schemes (year 3)Report on federated learning schemes
Risk and Data Management Plan (year 2)Risk and Data Management Plan; updates
Report on central infrastructure setupReport on central infrastructure setup including central services (container registries, CI/CD pipelines, GPU acceleration, and partner cluster networking)
Risk Management PlanRisk Management Plan; updates (M3, 12, 24)
Report on model accuracy and applicability domain metrics (year 3)Report on model accuracy metrics first year and model accuracy and applicability domain metrics second and third year
Initial Project communication plan and toolset (year 2)Initial Project communication plan and toolset; updates
Report on aggregated metrics for yearly run (year 3)Report on aggregated metrics for yearly run
Data preparation manualData preparation manual one version for each run M6 18 29
Data Management PlanData Management Plan; updates (M3, 12, 24)
Data preparation manual (year 2)Data preparation manual one version for each run
Report on computational strategies for meta-optimization and advanced hyperparameter tuning (year 3)Report on computational strategies for metaoptimization and advanced hyperparameter tuning
Project Management PlanInitial Project communication plan and toolset (year 3)
Initial Project communication plan and toolset updates
Description of transversal coordination process and agile method for IT development cycleDocumentation material including articles and use case description (final)
Documentation material including articles and use case description draft and final version
Documentation material of the version 2Documentation material of the version 2 (v2) of the platform, and platform pre-release for audit by WP5
Initial Project communication plan and toolset; updates (M12, 24, 36)
Raouf Kerkouche, Gergely Acs, Claude Castelluccia, Pierre Geneves
Published in:
ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL), 2021, Page(s) 25-35, ISBN 978-1-4503-3307-8
Lina Humbeck, Tobias Morawietz, Noe Sturm, Adam Zalewski, Simon Harnqvist, Wouter Heyndrickx, Matthew Holme, Bernd Beck
Published in:
MDPI molecules, Issue 2021, 26 (22), 2021, ISSN 1420-3049
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Simm, Jaak; Humbeck, Lina; Zalewski, Adam; Sturm, Noe; Heyndrickx, Wouter; Moreau, Yves; Beck, Bernd; Schuffenhauer, Ansgar
Published in:
Journal of Cheminformatics, Issue 2021, vol 13, 2021, ISSN 2573-2293
Martijn Oldenhof, Adam Arany, Yves Moreau, Jaak Simm
Published in:
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Issue 60/10, 2020, Page(s) 4506-4517, ISSN 1549-9596
American Chemical Society
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