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CORDIS - EU research results

Modal Nonlinear Resonance for Efficient and Versatile Legged Locomotion

Project description

New theory to explain how robots can start to move more like humans

The humanoid robot market is poised for significant growth over the next few years, but robots are not yet as mobile as they would need to be for applications in healthcare or disaster response. Improving their ability to traverse a wide range of environments quickly and safely is crucial. The primary goal of the EU-funded M-Runners project is to develop a new theory of nonlinear vibrations for rigid-elastic systems, both biological and robotic. Deeper understanding of the body mechanical resonance properties will greatly facilitate control of locomotion. The project targets use of robots for exploring hard-to-reach locations and uneven terrains in Mars.


The aim of M-Runners is to thoroughly advance the understanding of fundamental dynamic principles of legged locomotion to the point that those principles can be used to design robots which display similar motion characteristics, versatility, and efficiency as their biological paragons. The central hypothesis of the project is that biological locomotion is fundamentally determined by the mechanical resonance properties of the body and that a breakthrough in robot locomotion is essentially linked to understanding and exploiting these phenomena. If body design is such that walking and running correspond to intrinsic periodic motions of the body, then the control is simple and efficiency and robustness are natural consequences. However, large-amplitude nonlinear oscillations of such complex systems are today still not well understood. Mathematical methods to describe, analyze, design and control elastic resonant robots are lacking to a large extent. The project is thus dedicated to develop a new theory of nonlinear oscillations, applicable to elastic multibody systems, be they biologic or robotic.
M-Runners will perform interdisciplinary research at the border between robotics, nonlinear dynamical systems and vibration theory, biomechanics, and machine learning. We will take inspiration from biology regarding the basic motion sequences and the muscle arrangements (couplings, redundancies, compliance distributions). Conversely, we expect our theory to generate new hypotheses for a deeper understanding of locomotion biomechanics and its control by the nervous system.
We will design and demonstrate robots which can move at similar speed and mechanical energetic efficiency as animals and humans and which have comparable uneven terrain versatility and robustness. The primary application scenario is space exploration on Mars in canyons, caves or steep ridge slopes. Applications of the technology reach, however, from health-care over personal-assistance to disaster management.

Host institution

Net EU contribution
€ 1 860 855,00
51147 Koln

See on map

Nordrhein-Westfalen Köln Köln, Kreisfreie Stadt
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
€ 1 860 855,00

Beneficiaries (2)