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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-07

Best practice in software engineering and methodologies for developing GIS applications


The project addresses a critical problem of GIS construction, that of interactive geographic data visualisation. The ultimate aim is achieving a common understanding of the problem across the network, and adopting a common approach to its solution. Expected results are:

- assessment of current practice,
- identification of design requirements,
- definition of a reference framework to normalise user interfaces,
- issuing of recommendations to users and technology providers.


The work includes:

- data collection by questionnaires,
- data completion through interviews,
- data analysis to derive requirements,
- synthesis of reference frameworks,
- technical feasibility studies,
- validation activities by workshops and on-field experiments,
- demonstrations and dissemination actions.

Two target application areas are considered, Environment Control and Urban Planning. The network nodes play complementary roles, according to their mission:

- GISIG, ANDIP, CNIG and Provincia di Bologna are users or user representatives;
- ANDIP, CNIG, Geomatics, Tecnopolis and SATA are consultants or application developers;
- IIS, Intergraph and Tecnopolis are technology providers;
- Girona University, CNR-IMA, CNR-CIOC and Nexpri are research institutions.

The network audience is extremely wide for the relations that all network nodes (partners and subcontractors) maintain for their institutional activities, and can be extended to all the European organisation interested in GIS user interface design and development. Result dissemination will use workshops to present, discuss, validate and revise the network understanding on the addressed problem.


The project relevance and impact to the participants' business is strongly related to the nature of the single node:

- Final users are made aware that their interface problems are shared by other organisations, use proper reference frameworks to specify interface requirements and improve data and experience exchange with other bodies.
- Application developers derive know-how and identify new business opportunities, thus the software they produce presents higher re-usability potential.
- Technology providers make available better interface development tools, thus gaining competitive advantage.
- Finally, researchers have available a wide range of everyday experiences to study general principles and derive solutions.

Appel à propositions

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GISIG Geographical Information Systems International Group
Contribution de l’UE
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Via Piacenza 54
16138 Genova

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