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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-04-19



The project deals with the design of the motion control unit for machine tools of the next generation, using the most advanced design techniques. An architectural framework has been worked out to define the architecture of Motion Control Units for machine tools and the feasibility of using alternative materials and/or structural shapes for the Motion Control Units of machine tools has been studied. A comparative study into the different slideway technologies and their underlying tribological principles has been carried out in addition to the investigation of new and hybrid techniques in bearing and damper design which allow for active, online, compensation of slideway dynamics. A comparative study of ballscrew drives, rack and pinion drives and direct linear motor drives reveals that the target performances can only be achieved with linear motor drives. The linear motor solution also yields better accuracy and repeatability and a higher bandwidth of the servo system. A general, 'decoupled' method has been derived to optimize the motor transmission unit in a traditional rotary motor feeddrive system and 3 representative test set ups have been developed and built. Reliable dynamic identification schemes have been developed and applied to the test set ups and a generic control scheme has been developed and applied to the test set ups as well as to an existing machine. Also, a preliminary design of a 10 000 N linear motor has been made to assess the feasibility of its use. A generic numerical control structure for very high speed milling has been proposed. The generic control scheme has been implemented on an existing high speed milling machine, making use of the existing controller. An average reduction of the tracking errors with a factor 5 have been achieved. Finally, 'mechatronic compiler' for the design of multitechnological systems has been developed.
The proposed research concerns the machine tools characterized by low working forces, high speed, high acceleration, medium/high precision, medium working volume. A study carried out, in view of this proposal, has shown that medium term industrial requirements for existing machines and new expected machines call for an increase of technical requirements by 1 - 2 orders of magnitude. To meet the new technical requirements, machine units and components must be changed through research. To find out where to act, the CEDAM (Concurrent Engineered Design Approach of Machine tools) suggested procedure has been used.

For each "workstation", starting from expected technical requirements, the consortium has found the main functionalities affected and, hence, the main-sub-assemblies and functional components involved.

Grouping the results obtained for all machines studied and ranking them, the consortium has found that in all cases the functionality related to moving the main axis of machine (x.y.z) is the first to be studied.

Such functional unit, referred as M.C.U. (Motion Control Unit), will be the object of research. It refers to the functional components: slideways for X,Y,Z axis, drives for X,Y,Z, axis, transducers, motors, structure, control unit.

A family of MCU encopassing the functional components suitable for the various applications, and the related architecture will be considered.

The research will then be carried out on a "kernel" of functional copponents and architectures, considering various principles and solutions.

The developments of such technologies will then be used to devise, within the M.C.U. family approach, specific M.C.U. solutions to meet the highly challenging technical requirements of new and existing machines.

The use of the KERNEL concept will enable to draw from the running research advancements for functional components and architecture, the best solutions in relation to new performances as required by new or existing machines.

The consortium through this project aims at the following achievements: family of advanced functional components, advanced functional components, integrated design environment (mechatronic compiler), specification of Motion Control Unit to build demonstrators.

Appel à propositions

Data not available

Régime de financement

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (5)