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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-29

Self-reporting biological nanosystems to study and control bio-molecular mechanisms on the single molecule level


BIOSCOPE will develop new scale-scale tools allowing unprecedented insight into bio-molecular mechanisms at biological interfaces on the scale of single molecules. The key element in the BIOSCOPE strategy is to involve the bimolecular system itself as part of the baroscopic instrument which in various ways reports to the out-side world about its current local state. BIOSCOPE benefits from the synergy between recent advances in Nan technology and the adaptive dynamic behaviour of many natural and artificial biological systems, which change their structure, physical chemical state and properties as a reaction to the local baroscopic environment.

The objectives of BIOSCOPE are
1.) To develop instrumentation and methods for manipulation of enzymes and enzyme activity at the scale-scale providing insight into the bimolecular mechanisms on a single molecule level.

2.) To develop novel forms of integration, at the level-level, of enzymes and non-biological systems such as Nan particles, artificial membranes, electrical field or force field traps.

3.) To confine several enzymes to surfaces of nanoparticles or membranes on a less than 10 nm scale in order to achieve a self-organized assembly with concerted as well as controllable bioaction superior to the simple sum of the same individual enzymes. This addresses NMP area and

The impact of BIOSCOPE is indeed envisaged as a long-term not only by providing new tools for the scientist, but also by making possible the rational design of new enzymes (and other proteins) based on their true bio-molecular mechanism. The knowledge-base provided by BIOSCOPE will allow researchers and industries to move from design of bimolecular systems based on end-state global properties, which is just one, some times distant, consequence of the true bimolecular mechanism. BIOSCOPE will provide new leads for major break-through in analyses and syntheses, which in turn will lead to the creation of several new SME.

Appel à propositions

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Contribution de l’UE
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Paradisgatan 5c
117 LUND

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Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (8)