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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-06-16

Creation of a European Support Network and Optimised Programme Frame-work to Promote the Development and Internationalisation of High-Growth-Potential SMEs


This project will target innovative European SMEs with high growth potential and help them to achieve success on European and world markets. It will contribute to European competitiveness, innovation, employment and economic change, and help meet the Lisbo n and Barcelona objective.The R&D expenditure gap between the EU and the USA (Barcelona objective) is largely a difference between SMEs: US small firms invest on average 4-6 times more in R&D than European small firms, are more successful in transl ating R&D results into innovation, and proportionately more of them become successful global market players. Reinforced support for SMEs with high growth potential in Europe is therefore required. This project by a group of Europes national technology and innovation programme agencies, members of TAFTIE, will: - create, and later further expand geographically, a durable European support network to pro-mote the technological and business development and internationalisation of high-growth-potential SMEs (HiGros) in Europe - seek to optimise existing national and European support programmes for HiGro's - and prepare the creation of a new European support programme and structure for HiGro's to close critical gaps in existing programmes.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
No data
Steinplatz 1
10623 BERLIN

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Total cost
No data

Participants (7)