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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

HYdrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere


The global atmospheric cycles of methane, nitrous oxide and hydrogen, are coupled and include various interactions with the biosphere. Apart from classical surface observations of these gases that are part of the GAW and CMDL networks, new detailed information on the regional scale about methane and nitrous oxide can and will be obtained from recently become available satellite observations by SCIAMACHY and IASI and from remote sensing observations by FTIR.

In Hymn these observational data sets will be homogenised and evaluated against each other in order to derive consistent long-term time series. The error statistics of the observations will be carefully determined. By subsequently applying advanced emission inversion and data assimilation techniques to the validated observations in atmospheric chemistry models coupled to a new biosphere model, the sources and sinks of these gases will be quantified on regional scales (up to 1x1 degree).

The coupling between the cycles of these gases and OH will be investigated focussing on presently not well-understood relations between variations in their trends. The new models will furthermore be applied to investigate the effects of a future transfer to a hydrogen economy and of the associated reduction in fossil fuel burning emissions (NOX, CO, VOCs) on the coupled cycles of H2, CH4, OH, and O3 taking into account interactions with the biosphere.

Appel à propositions

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Participants (12)