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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-27

Sustainable exploitation and management of living marine resources: a holistic approach


Training is offered in a broad range of skills in fisheries and fishery biology, aquaculture and fish diseases, marine ecology and environmental science. The emphasis is on a holistic approach, drawing on local expertise in the biological and physical sciences, economics statistics and social sciences.

Training programmes tailored to individual needs are offered, including training in specialised research skills and access to a range of taught courses within a thriving postgraduate school. The host research groups based at the University of Aberdeen and Marine Laboratory Aberdeen have strong track records in research and in research training and are active in many European collaborative research programmes.

Specialised facilities available include well-equipped laboratories. For studies in molecular genetics, immunology and diseases, growth and nutrition of marine animals, electron microscopy and a full range of computing facilities.


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Régime de financement

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University of Aberdeen
Contribution de l’UE
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2 Tillydrone Avenue
AB9 2TN Aberdeen

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