CORDIS - EU research results

Research Infrastructures: Foresight and Impact

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Boosting research infrastructures in Eastern Europe

By conducting exercises in foresight and socioeconomic impact, policymakers can help develop better research infrastructures to support economies in need.

Industrial Technologies icon Industrial Technologies

Research infrastructures pertaining to a wide variety of fields under science, industry, research and technology form the backbone of European innovation and competitiveness. The EU-funded project 'Research infrastructures: foresight and impact' (RIFI) is developing ways to evaluate the socioeconomic impact of investments in these research infrastructures (RIs). It is examining several case studies, particularly in Bulgaria and Romania where such research is most needed, and combining it with foresight activities to identify RI investment opportunities. The results of this project will apply to both newly built RIs and existing ones that need upgrading. The project team has already undertaken a thorough review of the environmental impacts of RIs. It conducted a thorough analysis on the economic and scientific impacts of RI and the most suitable methods to evaluate these impacts. A review of appropriate foresight techniques has also helped to assess society's reactions to RI projects and develop strategies to address these reactions. In addition, the project has helped raise awareness about positive developments resulting from RI projects. RIFI has prepared a preliminary version of the Research Industry Assessment Methodology (RIAM) featuring instructions for its application and a tutorial on using the associated network. These will be exploited to conduct seven case studies on specific RIs, which in turn will help fine-tune the RIAM by incorporating appropriate foresight methods and providing the necessary feedback. The RIs include the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), Euro-Agro, International Facility Free Electron Laser (FERMI) and four national RIs in Bulgaria and Romania. In light of this, the project team has conferred with the organisations managing the RIs. Once the exercise is completed, a clearer picture of the socioeconomic impact of RIs will emerge and policymaking in this area will be improved. The ultimate result aims at increased competitiveness and research advances in areas of Europe that can benefit the most.

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