CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Scalable systems modelling to simulate body-level interplays among non-communicable diseases


Simulation nicht übertragbarer Krankheiten

Digitale Zwillinge in der Medizin sind hochkomplexe Modelle, die mittels künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und großen Mengen digitaler und physikalischer Daten die Pathophysiologie von Krankheiten rekapitulieren und neue Behandlungen oder Organe nachbilden. Doch die Realität ist noch komplexer und bei nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten von Organen, die Lasten tragen, beispielsweise Osteoarthritis oder Bandscheibendegeneration, ist es schwierig, die zugrunde liegenden komplexen Mechanismen in silico nachzubilden. Für solche Modelle wäre die Integration mechanistischer, biologischer und Realdaten auf mehreren Skalen notwendig. Das über den Europäischen Forschungsrat finanzierte Projekt O-Health soll mathematische Modelle häufiger nicht übertragbarer Krankheiten aufstellen, indem Daten auf zellulärer/molekularer Ebene und solche auf Gewebe-/Organebene kombiniert werden.


Non-communicable diseases (NCD) that involve load-bearing organs emerge silently according to complex mechanisms that are likely to involve inter-disease systemic communications. Clinical explorations cannot apprehend such intricate emergence, but I postulate that multiscale in silico models can. The digital twin for health has progressed a lot in the last decades, but multi-disease transversal modelling has not happened. It requires unique developments to couple small to large-scale model components with appropriate balance of phenomenological and mechanistic approaches, to cope with overwhelming biological complexity, preserve interpretability and incorporate real-world data. This is the niche of O-Health that proposes a scalable ecosystem of multiscale NCD models interrelated through a systemic model of low-grade inflammation. The project tackles such vertical and transversal physiology-based computational modelling through four major NCD, lung emphysema, atherosclerosis, intervertebral disc degeneration and knee osteoarthritis that affect load-bearing organs at different anatomical locations. The cellular /molecular scale components of each NCD model will vertically share predicted variables with an interface model of endothelial cell dysfunction that communicates with a transversal model of body-wide systemic communications. The O-health ecosystem will be modular and interoperable. Mechanistic modelling will be covered by finite element models at the organ /tissue scales and by agent-based (AB) models at the cell /molecular scales. AB models will incorporate high-level interaction graphs for interpretable phenomenological modelling where necessary. Graphs will merge knowledge projection and correlation models extracted from longitudinal population cohort data, also used to evaluate O-Health. Interoperability will be ensured through standard languages such as Field and Systems Biology Mark-up Languages, enabling the scalability of the O-Health ecosystem.


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€ 1 998 865,00
08002 Barcelona

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€ 1 998 865,00

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