CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Embodied AI/Robotics Applications for a Safe, Human-oriented Industry


Wie künstliche Intelligenz für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen sorgt

Die Arbeitssicherheit stellt in Europa und weltweit ein zentrales Thema dar. Jährlich werden über drei Millionen Arbeitsunfälle in der EU registriert, und in mehreren tausend Fällen enden die Verletzungen tödlich. Die Daten für 2019 zeigen, dass Arbeitsunfälle die EU-Wirtschaft satte 460 Milliarden EUR gekostet haben. Außerdem beweisen die Daten, dass maschinenbezogene Verletzungen ein wesentlicher Faktor sind. Die Zahl der maschinenbedingten Verletzungen kann durch Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Industrie 5.0 reduziert werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EARASHI wird der EU dabei helfen, dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Dazu werden Start-ups und weitere KMU bei der Entwicklung neuartiger Robotik und digitaler Technologien unterstützt, die für beständige Nachhaltigkeit sorgen und KI-Technologien nutzen. Der Grund für die Einbeziehung dieser Technologien besteht darin, die Arbeitssicherheit zu erhöhen und die Arbeitsbedingungen zu verbessern.


Despite a decrease since the 90s, 3.1M non-fatal accidents still happen at work, with at least four days of absence from work, and around 3 300 fatal accidents in the EU-27. These work-related accidents and illnesses cost the EU economy 460 b€ in 2019, i.e. 3.3% of GDP annually. Production machines are one of the accident causes. In France, 10 to 15% of accidents at work are related to their use, leading to working day lost equivalent to a company of 15000 people that do not work for a whole year.
In 2021 the EC proposed a new strategic framework for Health and Safety at Work (HSW) to protect health (incl. mental) and safety of its 170 million workers and achieve sustained decent working conditions for all workers, especially in the new world of work brought about by the digital transitions and industry 5.0.
Digital transition is driven by the introduction of robots, AI and remote work that reduce the risks of dangerous tasks and increases productivity. But cognitive overload, digital fatigue, mental exhaustion and various forms of ‘techno-stress’ are also increasing and shall be tackled to ensure HSW.
EARASHI will support Start-ups and SMEs in the uptake of advanced digital eco-responsible technologies (in particular AI, data and robotics) to help workers in their daily activities and improve their working conditions (safety, health and well-being) leading to productivity increase.
Through open calls, 10 beneficiaries will access to leading edge technologies and test facilities from RTOs and industrial partners, business support, mentoring by industrial pairs, support in Ethics, system integration and user acceptance. Selected projects will focus on improving work conditions and worker trust and acceptance of collaborative embodied AI in robotic systems for the production machine application field.
By investing early in and sustaining competitive emerging enabling technologies, EARASHI will contribute to accelerate an eco-responsible digital transition by 2030.


€ 1 624 244,25
75015 PARIS 15

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Research Organisations
€ 1 624 244,28

Beteiligte (11)