CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2022-11-21

Two strand horizontal continuous casting of blooms of high-alloy steel using synchronous oscillation of the moulds


Horizontal continuous casting with oscillating mould (HOM-TEC-process)

Autores: HENTRICH R (Krupp Stahl AG, Siegen (DE)), DITTERT D (Krupp Stahl AG, Siegen (DE)), SHARMA D (Krupp Stahl AG, Siegen (DE)), WILKE F (Krupp Stahl AG, Siegen (DE))
Publicado en: EUR 16493 DE (1997) 149pp., FS, ECU 25.00 (euroabstract 35/1443), 1997, Página(s) 149, ISBN 92-828-0742-8

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