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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

European Network of Research Infrastructures & IndusTry for Collaboration

Descripción del proyecto

Nueva red para impulsar las iniciativas público-privadas

Los regímenes cooperativos entre los sectores público y privado están recibiendo una atención cada vez mayor. Las iniciativas a nivel europeo están revolucionando la manera en que trabajan juntos los sectores público y privado, además de facilitar la creación de marcos estructurales que son necesarios para potenciar tales colaboraciones. Este es el objetivo del proyecto financiado con fondos europeos ENRIITC. Creará una red permanente de representantes industriales de enlace y contacto (ILO e ICO, por sus siglas en inglés) para potenciar al máximo su implicación e impulsar las asociaciones entre la industria y las infraestructuras de investigación. Apoyará el establecimiento de asociaciones estratégicas y transfronterizas entre la industria y las infraestructuras de investigación. Específicamente, ENRIITC establecerá una red europea sostenible de ILO e ICO que facilitará el aprendizaje, evaluará el potencial de colaboración entre la investigación y la industria, y desarrollará estrategias y mejores prácticas.


Research infrastructures (RIs) operate in complex innovation ecosystems where industry plays an increasingly important role. Pan-EU initiatives, such as the Innovation Union or the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, revolutionise the way public and private sectors work together, and help to create structural frameworks which are needed to foster such collaborations. While initiatives of this type play a crucial role in enabling industry to become a full partner of research infrastructures whether it is as a user, a supplier, or a co-creator, they do not fully utilise or engage Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs/ICOs) which could have a central role in boosting the RI-industry partnerships. To address this gap, ENRIITC will build a permanent pan-European network of ILOs and ICOs. This will be done in a community-driven, cross-functional, cross-sectoral, multiplier-based way which will be inclusive and enable all interested parties to actively participate. By supporting the establishment of strategic, cross-border partnerships between industry and research infrastructures, ENRIITC will enable win-win results for all parties. With a timeline of 36 months, 11 partners from seven countries, and a strong support from 61 Associates from around Europe, ENRIITC will 1) establish a sustainable European network of ILOs and ICOs which enables mutual learning, 2) map collaboration potential between research infrastructures and industry, 3) develop and refine strategies and best practices to foster these collaborations, 4) raise awareness among industry for collaboration opportunities at research infrastructures, and demonstrate impact. The consortium and Associates will jointly balance the need for expertise from diverse scientific areas, combine it with practical insights from establishing relations with various industries operating in different sectors and geographical contexts, and propagate it among their networks.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 344 137,50
224 84 Lund

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Södra Sverige Sydsverige Skåne län
Tipo de actividad
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 344 137,50

Participantes (10)