Air pollution by ozone
An amended proposal for a Council Directive on air pollution by ozone (COM(92) 236 of 26.5.1992) concerns the establishment of a common procedure for monitoring, warning, and exchanging information on this form of pollution. Amendments inter alia make reference to the use and promotion of technical and scientific information to enable limit values for concentrations of ozone and its precursors to be set. Member States shall establish an adequate number of measurement stations at geographically and climatologically representative sites. These are to supply data necessary for application of the proposed Directive. The Commission is to specify, as soon as possible, the conditions which must be fulfilled by these networks of stations, and shall with the assistance of the European Environment Agency organize regular meetings with those responsible for measuring centres in the Member States, with the aim of exchanging information and experience concerning photochemical pollution. The Member States are also to inform the Commission of the means they propose to use to reduce ozone precursors in general, and volatile organic compounds in particular, to an acceptable level.