Upgrading of Romanian information system
An invitation to tender issued by the Government of Romania for a project financed by the European Economic Community concerns the provision in five lots of equipment for the upgrading of the information system of the Romanian national Commission for Statistics. Lots comprise: File and database servers for central and district level and mandatory RISC processor; workstations (at least 80386 DX); laser printers and matrix printers; ethernet (or token ring) and routers; application software (RDBMS, SAS, etc.). The complete tender dossier can be obtained from the Commission's offices in the Member States and from: (a) Commission of the European Communities DG I, Operational Service PHARE 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Telex 21877 COMEU B; Fax +32-2-2366264/-2364251 (b) National Commission for Statistics Attn. Mr. Alexandru Radocea 6 Stavropoleos Street RO-70075 Bucharest Tel +40-0-148846; Fax +40-0-145560