RTD projects in human genome analysis
The Commission of the European Communities has launched a call for proposals for shared-cost RTD actions as a result of the adoption by the Council, on 29 June 1990, of the specific RTD programme in the field of health - "Human genome analysis". The areas where shared-cost activities will be implemented are: ordered clone libraries/contig mapping, data handling and databases, improvement of the methods and basis for the study of the human genome. Project proposals may be submitted by interested legal entities (research institutions, universities and enterprises) which are located in the Community or, under certain special conditions, in other countries.An information package containing details and the necessary application forms can be obtained on written request (telex or fax) from: Commission of the European Communities, DG XII/F-6 Human genome analysis programme (SDME 2/39) 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Telex COMEU B 21877; Fax +32-2-2355365