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Content archived on 2023-03-02

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EU-Russian networking in IST

An EU-Russian networking session was jointly organised by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency/European and International Programmes (FFG) and the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER)at the IST event 2006 in Helsinki.

The session called “Spotlight on Russia in IST” attracted a considerable community of well-informed researchers and other stakeholders from Europe and Russia, experienced and actively cooperating with Russia in IST or interested in EU-Russian cooperation in FP7. “Spotlight on Russia in IST” was organised within the IST- project “SITE/Siberia, Information Technologies and Europe” which closes by the end of December 2006. The presentations and discussions offered up-to-date information on ICT research in the Sibirsky Federal District, including the SB RAS, as well as on the St. Petersburg region. Furthermore, several IST support actions promoting EU-Russian collaboration, including SITE, were presented. The discussion showed an obvious need for more information in Europe about ICT research in the Sibirsky region of Russia. At the same time, it became clear that there was indeed huge potential for cooperation in IST in this vast region covering 5 million km² and hosting more than 66,000 researchers. However, substantial support is still needed for the effective exploitation of the potential for cooperation. Siberia in IST – a booklet Please note also that FFG compiled information for newcomers interested in cooperation with Siberia in the brochure “Siberia in IST”. This small booklet provides general information on the Sibirsky region as well as specific information on ICT research carried out in this remote area, presents some showcases of successful EU-Russian collaboration in IST as well as a number of EC-funded support actions promoting collaboration with Russia in IST, IST-NEST and INTAS. The aim of the publication is to raise the awareness for opportunities to collaborate in IST among European and Russian, in particular Siberian researchers. The brochure can be downloaded from Interested in being included in EU-Russian networking in IST? All those who are interested in being included in the EU-Russian cooperation network, promoting a sharing of good practises and experiences, please contact Austrian Research Promotion Agency, European and International Programmes (FFG) Sensengasse 1 A-1090 Vienna




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