Early diagnosis for microcracks in aircraft
If a tiny crack in the hull of an aircraft remains undetected for a long time, it can easily spread and put passengers’ lives at risk. Each component is therefore subject to international maintenance regulations: Aircraft bodies must be thoroughly inspected every 15 to 18 months, depending on the type of plane. This often requires the technicians to dismantle an aircraft’s interior lining – an expensive and time-consuming process involving several days of downtime in the hangar. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF in Darmstadt are developing a sensor system that allows engineers to continuously monitor the condition of their aircraft and detect any damage at an early stage. The system is based on piezoceramic sensors that are attached to the aircraft body in a network pattern. What is special about these sensors is that they start to oscillate when a voltage is applied to them – and when they are subjected to pressure, they generate voltage. The scientists make use of both effects: While the piezo foils cause part of the hull to oscillate, the others measure the component’s response to this stimulation. “We investigated the oscillation behavior of damaged struts and rivets in an aircraft body and compared it with that of intact parts,” explains LBF project manager Dirk Mayer. “If a component is defective, it oscillates at a different frequency from one that is intact when stimulated by the piezoceramics – just as a cracked glass sounds different from an undamaged one when you tap it with your fingernail.” In this way, the researchers can accurately track down faults and monitor their development – be it fatigue cracks in the hull and wings, or rivets and other joining parts coming loose. This form of observation is also referred to as ‘structural health monitoring’ (SHM). “With the help of this system, any damage behind the lining or in difficult-to-reach places can be identified quickly and easily, thus reducing maintenance times and inspection costs,” says Mayer. The researchers have already performed tests on a hull component in the laboratory, and are now implementing the new technology with standardized piezo and electronic components. The system will then also be suitable for use in vehicle manufacture or engine and plant construction.
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