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Content archived on 2023-03-02

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EU-Project DINAMICS: Securing the drinking water supply against bioterrorist attacks

Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum is partner in the EU-project and responsable for project management and knowledge management. Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum has supported the proposal and partnersearch for the European consortium.

EU-Project DINAMICS: Securing the drinking water supply against bioterrorist attacks The EU-research project DINAMICS (Diagnostic Nanotech and Microtech Sensors) plans the development of a biosensor for the exact analysis of water quality. This new development is to be based on nanotechnology and help to prevent bioterrorist attacks on the drinking water supply. After the start of the project on 1 April 2007, DINAMICS called its members together at the beginning of May in Linz, Austria, for a Kick-Off-Meeting. For its research and development work the consortium, with predominant participation of small and mid-sized enterprises, combines nanotechnology, microsystem technology and biochip technology. It will be funded for the next four years with ca. 4.5 million Euros from the European Commission. The events of 11 September 2001 and the wave of anthrax-letters brought to the atten-tion of the world the danger of terrorist and bioterrorist attacks against the civilian popula-tion. Subsequently the security of the population was made a priority goal of the EU-research programme. And it is within this framework that the newly launched project DINAMICS has taken on the task of achieving a significant contribution to the future of security technologies. The objective of DINAMICS is the development of a warning system, that can identify dangerous infectious agents, such as bacteria and viruses. For the reliable surveillance of the drinking water supply DINAMICS foresees a portable measuring instrument for special assignments, which among other applications should contribute to the security of everyone involved at major sporting events. Also in development is a monitoring station for the continuous surveillance of the drinking water supply. This is intended to identify intentionally or unintentionally released infectious agents rapidly and reliably and thereby make a significant contribution to the security of the civilian population. Along with an integration of the most diverse cutting-edge-technologies DINAMICS is concentrating on the development of especially cost efficient solutions, in order to make possible the introduction of the new equipment on a broad basis and in the interests of all population groups. DINAMICS anticipates, that the results of its research work will gain entry into the medical diagnostics of infectious diseases and could revolutionise the me-thods being used there at present. DINAMICS The EU-project DINAMICS (Diagnostic Nanotech and Microtech Sensors) is an „integrated project for small and mid-sized enterprises“, that brings together an interdisciplinary consortium with partners from research and industry. The objective of the project is to develop, through the combination of nanotechnology, microsystem technology and biochip technology, a forward-looking warning system for the protection of the civilian popula-tion. Currently 14 project partners from 9 countries are active in DINAMICS, including small and mid-sized as well as other enterprises, and universities and research institutions. The partners come from Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, the Slowak Republic, Turkey and Hungary. And at least one more partner from one of the new EU-States is expected to join soon. The coordination of the consortium is the responsibility of the biochip-development specialists Lambda GmbH, based in Freistadt, Austria. Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ) is an independent economic entity within the Steinbeis-Foundation. It was founded in March 1990 as the operational unit of the Commissioner for Europe of Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Economic Affairs. SEZ's core activity is to promote RTD programmes and to support cross-border technology transfer. Since 1995 SEZ has been one of now eight existing Innovation Relay Centres in Germany and since April 2000 it has headed the consortium Innovation Relay Centre Stuttgart - Erfurt - Zürich. SEZ's tasks include: • assisting industrial companies in participating in European R&TD, • offering assistance in the exploitation of the research results (including dissemination of best-practice), • project management of transnational projects • promoting cross-border technology transfer, • stimulating and supporting the innovation process in industrial companies, • supporting industrial companies in managing cross-border projects. Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum is consortium leader of the IRC Stuttgart – Erfurt - Zürich, which is the Innovation Relay Centre for Southern Germany and the German speaking part of Switzerland with two consortium partners – Euresearch, Zurich and Thüringen innovativ GmbH in Erfurt/ Thuringia. SEZ and and Thüringen innovativ GmbH DINAMICS Project Homepage:


Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom