CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2022-12-02

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Developing electronic procurement in the EU

In order to promote awareness and support the development of electronic procurement in the EU, the European Commission, DG XV, has published an invitation to tender for the provision of services, taking into account the "information system on public procurement" project (SIMAP...

In order to promote awareness and support the development of electronic procurement in the EU, the European Commission, DG XV, has published an invitation to tender for the provision of services, taking into account the "information system on public procurement" project (SIMAP - Système d'Information pour les Marchés Publics). The purpose of this action is to ensure a substantial qualitative and quantitative increase in awareness among European purchasers and suppliers of the advantages offered by new information and communications technologies (ICT) to the procurement process. The services will cover the definition and implementation of an overall promotion campaign, using all appropriate means, with a preference for new ICTs, which will include the definition of key target audiences, as well as the conception and carrying out of a specific survey among purchasers and suppliers. For further information, please contact: European Commission DG XV - Internal market and financial services Unit B/5 200 rue de la Loi (C-100 0/95) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2950127 URL: