Boost Biosystems mobilizes actors in ScanBalt BioRegion
To achieve both the integration of biological and micro technological solutions into innovative systems in general experts see a need for - An interdisciplinary mind set demanding for special training and a common language within biosystems technologies. This will also mean that networking of experts from different disciplines is of outmost importance. - New biomarkers or more common new biocontent which has to be thoroughly validated by the integration of clinical knowledge to develop effective and solid assays. - Achievements in integration of macro- and micro worlds – biological/chemical systems and micro technology using micro fluidics. The integration of these solutions could lead to new applications in in-vitro diagnostics and high throughput technologies. One of the main aspects of the collected data is the ability to address regional academic actors with special expertise in different technological fields. Based on these topics Boost Biosystems would be able to specifically activate those academic institutions that could potentially contribute to the relevant topics. A number of local events will be organized during the fall, that will disseminate outcome of sector analysis and expert panels assumptions and foresight, elaborate possible R&D projects by presentation of the attending SME representatives and academic researchers and inform about opportunities in EU-programs. The executive summary of the sector analysis in biosystem technologies and also more information on the local events you can find on The EU funded project Boost Biosystems with its approach of mobilising actors in the ScanBalt BioRegion – the life science metacluster in the Baltic Sea Region - provides an opportunity to create critical mass, creating a platform for knowledge transfer in this new technology field, strengthening SMEs and integrating emerging economies of the new member states around the Baltic Sea Region. Contact: Frank Graage Steinbeis Team Nordost tel: +49 381/210 66 10 E-mail: Beata Grablevska ScanBalt tel. +45 35 32 41 48 E-mail:
Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom