Action programme in the field of transport infrastructure
A Commission proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3359/90 for an action programme in the field of transport infrastructure with a view to the completion of an integrated transport market (COM (92) 231) introduces several amendments to the earlier Regulation. The new Article 1 of the proposed Regulation states that the Community shall identify transport infrastructure projects of Community interest within the framework of the action programme defined in the Article and aimed at meeting one of the following objectives: Eliminating bottlenecks; eliminating missing links; integrating isolated or peripheral areas; reducing the costs associated with transit traffic in cooperation with third countries; providing high-quality links between the major urban centres, including high-speed rail links; furthering the interconnection and interoperability of different transport networks; improving compatibility with European networks outside the Community; ensuring optimum traffic management; ensuring high levels of safety; protecting the environment and fostering the rational use of existing and future infrastructures. Other amendments apply to links between specific areas, with reference to road and rail networks, inland waterways, and the maritime network. In the case of air transport the aims of airport development, improvement of aids to navigation, and the creation of an integrated air traffic management system in pan-European airspace are cited. The requirement for development of command, control and information systems for all forms of transport is also stated.