Trans-European transport networks: Declaration of European interest
A Commission proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) introducing a declaration of European interest to facilitate the establishment of trans-European networks in the transport domain (COM(92) 15 of 24.2.1992) aims to permit declarations of European interest to be granted to particular projects involving transport. Such a declaration is an acknowledgement that implementation of the given project comes within the series of guidelines established by the Council covering the objectives, priorities, as well as the broad lines of measures, in the sphere of trans-European transport networks. An Annex to the proposal sets out the conditions under which a project may be eligible. The grant of a declaration of European interest (which does not create any right to financing at any stage from the Community or the Member States) shall be decided by the Commission, assisted by the Transport Infrastructure Committee, after detailed assessment to ensure that the project corresponds with the objectives of the Member State or Member States concerned, within the framework of the Council guidelines. It is proposed that the Regulation enters into force on 1 January 1993 and expires 31 December 1997.