The EuroRis-Net project: European Research Infrastructures Network of National Contact Points
The European Research Infrastructures Network of National Contact Points is a project that brings together 35 partners from EU Member States, Associated countries and Russia, Canada and South Africa. The project is funded by the European Commission, under the FP7 Capacity Programme, theme Research Infrastructures for the period of four years. The project’s main aim is to emphasize the Research Infrastructures’ (RIs) key role in the future development of European science and to put the RIs in the spotlight of the European Research Area (ERA), through several coordination activities and high level services offered by the Network. By developing a co-ordination mechanism for stimulating closer cooperation among NCPs, the project will foster proposals for optimization of the use and development of the best RIs existing in Europe and for creation of new RIs of pan-European interest in all fields of science and technology. This could broadly enhance the innovative base of the European Industry and strengthen the dialogue with ICPC countries with important RIs for mutual benefit. The implementation of the EuroRIs-Net project will ensure: - The coordination and synergies between RIs NCPs network, - Increased awareness across Europe, - The provision of a high-quality, consistent RIs NCP service across Europe for the benefit of all users: the scientific community, the industry, potential proposers and projects’ consortia. Moreover, the EuroRIs-Net project aims to coordinate awareness activities in order to increase the performance of the European Scientific Society and to enhance the know-how of the Industrial sector through the utilization of RIs or through its participation in EU RIs initiatives. *** To find out more, please visit the EuroRIs-Net project web site: Information on the project’s activities and news items related to Research Infrastructures can be found in the EuroRIs-Net e-newsletter
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom