An EU funded project to achieve optimum health
The Health Optimum project has developed a comprehensive suite of telemedicine services to improve the quality of the healthcare services provided and at the same time to reduce the costs related to their production. The services tested and deployed are: • Neurosurgical Tele-counselling and Tele-laboratory service in homecare; • Tele-laboratory service in Haematology; • Tele-counselling, Tele-laboratory and Shared medical record service for Radiology (service available for Uppsala); • Tele-counselling for Haematology, Oncology and Nephrology; • Tele-counselling, Electronic referral and Tele-laboratory for Neurophysiology (service available for Uppsala); • Tele-referral for Cardiology; • Tele-referral for endocrinology; • Tele-counselling and Shared medical record for Plastic Surgery (service available for Uppsala); • Tele-dialysis; • Tele-thrombolysis; • Tele-alcohol Rehabilitation; • Tele-counselling, Electronic referral, Shared medical record for Dermatology (service available for Uppsala); • Tele-counselling, Tele-laboratory and Shared medical record for Discharge teleconference(service available for Uppsala); • Tele-counselling and Shared medical record for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (service available for Uppsala); • Tele-coronary Arteriography. The current implementation phase involves the following countries: Italy (Regione Veneto), Spain (Aragon), Denmark (Funen), Sweden (Uppsala) and (Timis). The results achieved so fare are: • decreasing mortality and morbidity by reducing transfer time and by improving the appropriateness of patient transfer; • avoiding unnecessary transfer and reducing risks for patients requiring surgical intervention or sophisticated monitoring; • improving the ability to rapidly diagnose serious injury for patients without transferring them to another hospital centre; • rationalising the use of human and technological resources; • establishing uniform levels of trauma care through the use of standardised protocols; • guaranteeing equality of treatment to all citizens victim of a trauma, irrespective of where they live; • improving communication between Primary and Secondary Care; • releasing financial resources The expected outcome of the current phase of HEALTH OPTIMUM Project is an operational system which is up and running in all the Regions involved and which is financially self-standing because it pays for itself through the savings that it releases in the routine delivery of healthcare.
telemedicine; e-health
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom