How Does Gridipedia Help You Applying Grid Technologies to Business?
In addition it is also a useful source of information on design patterns for solutions to common Grid problems, proven use cases on companies that are applying Grid solutions in industry and the legal issues that relate to Grid computing. Gridipedia is a knowledge and toolset repository which has been developed consisting of Grid service components and best practices to support European businesses with the uptake of Grid technologies. The Gridipedia website ( is currently seeing large growth and is populated with real Grid application from the BEinGRID project, focused on specific business processes and addressing current customer needs and requirements. It is now seen as public source of information on application of Grid technologies in business context. According to Santi Ristol, Services Area Manager at Atos Origin, “Gridipedia is the European Grid meeting point of the future – a repository for business case studies and best practice guides where Grid players can find solutions and partners. This is why Gridipedia is for all your Grid needs.” Gridipedia differs from other Grid repositories as it currently holds a wealth of business-oriented information based on the insights of two specialist teams – one technical, one business – that have been analysing successful Grid implementations in real business scenarios. These teams demonstrate the added value of Gridipedia, all content must pass stringent tests for submission, ensuring that it really delivers on its promises. By ensuring that all hosted material has business relevance and can be traced to a real use scenario we avoid the “technology-push” problem of many repositories. As a business-pull repository we also seek out and solicit key contributions from third parties. We expect that both well-covered technical and business aspects will directly encourage the adoption of Grid technologies by showing economic and market benefits and the associated technical solutions for adopters in actual successful cases. In addition to this, Gridipedia is an open and interactive site which aims at hosting Grid-related business-oriented results of other projects and from private organisations. The final result is an extensive library of case studies, information and code for software solutions to real-life problems. Through all this Gridipedia is targeting key decision makers in both business and technical roles who will oversee the implementation of Grid in their businesses or who are looking to further develop their existing Grid capabilities. Potential end users will also be attracted by the demonstrated benefits that Grid technology can bring to their work such as reduced time to market, new service offerings, reduced costs, improved quality and greater flexibility. In the long term, Gridipedia is seen as a market place for Grid technologies, where vendors of Grid solutions can meet buyers from the commercial sector; where consultants, suppliers and programmers can exhibit and trade their offerings and where potential buyers of all levels can find the information and products they require. Further information on Gridipedia and Grid computing in general can be found at
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom